Jay had gone quiet ever since he walked into that house and saw those two young boys with bullet through there heads, he was traumatised to say the least.

"Okay, so where are we on the ID?" Hank looked at Ella.

"Kareem was seen hanging around his usual block but one of the kids was his nephew, he's willing to talk, it's not him" she shook her head.

"Alright. This mother needs justice and we're gonna give it to her, so we keep digging, there must be something we're missing" hank nodded before walking away.

"Hey, you sure you're okay?" Ella tapped jays desk.

"I'm fine, let's just get on with the case" he sighed and nodded without even looking at her.


"Okay, so Marcus west was the man in the video. CPIC said this is our guy, so I ran him in the system and he looks good for it, two priors for possession. If this is a dope hit gone wrong, it would make perfect sense Sarge" jay walked back into the bullpen.

"Snatch him up, let's go" hank shooed the team down to the garage.


"You ready?" Jay looked at Ella as he positioned himself near the door handle.  She gave him a confident nod so he kicked the door down without warning.

"Chicago PD! Get your ass on the floor!" She yelled as she ran into the room with her huge gun leading the way.

"You got them?!" Jay yelled as he tried to catch one of the men who jumped out of the window.

"I'm good, go!" She waved him off as Adam ran into the room to give her back up. 

Jay followed the man out of the window and ran after him.

"Marcus!" He yelled and leapt through the air.  He took west down with him and pinned him to the grass.

"Why'd you kill those kids?!" Jay yelled.

"I ain't killed nobody!" Marcus groaned.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to the grieving mother. Get your ass up" jay scoffed and pulled him off the floor.

"I swear, it weren't me man" Marcus huffed.

"Save it" jay scoffed and lead him away.


"If you didn't kill those kids, why run?" Jay huffed as he sat opposite Marcus in the interrogation room.  Ella was right by his side.

"You know how it is, poor block man and all..." Marcus started.

"Don't go there with me" jay sighed.

"Cause you would know..." Marcus scoffed.

"Poor black man in Chicago, the police come busting down your door, you run. Wether you did something or not" Marcus added and looked at Ella.  Both detectives had furrowed brows. 

"You run until one of three things happens, you get caught, you get away, or you're dead" Marcus shrugged.

"Really?" Ella nodded.

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