Lost In Memories

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*flash back to the war on Planet Savalia the home planet of the universe 18 saiyans it was Icers army against the Saiyans* "you pitiful monkeys are always ruining my plans its time u were stopped" *he bellows transforming into his final form*

*he goes on a killing spree slaughtering every saiyan he sees until one particular saiyan steps in front of him* "i wont let you slaughter anymore of my people!" *it was none other then our hero Manik* "oh manik i suppose its your turn to die" *he...

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*he goes on a killing spree slaughtering every saiyan he sees until one particular saiyan steps in front of him* "i wont let you slaughter anymore of my people!" *it was none other then our hero Manik* "oh manik i suppose its your turn to die" *he charges at manik with speed not even a god of destruction can keep up with and knees manik in the stomach and flings him around like a ragdoll manik powers up to ssj4 but it still wasnt enough maniks little sister steps between them* "i wont let you hurt my brother any longer!" * manik looks up at her* "Zaeva n-no! get out of the way!" *icer chuckles* "then youll die a fool" *she shoots a beam through her heart* "NOOOO!" *manik holds his sisters body* "now where were we" * icer turns his gaze to manik* "you...worthless....heartless....SON OF A B********TTTCCCHHHH!!!!!!!!" *manik screams, an  Oozaru roar mixed into the scream, transforming into a new type of saiyan his ssj4 fur turning red*

{credit to thanachote-nick}"w-what is this power" *icer for the first time in his life was starting to feel fear as manik tilts his head as he flies towards icer at hyper sonic speed and grabs icers tail and slams him around like the hulk did loki...

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{credit to thanachote-nick}
"w-what is this power" *icer for the first time in his life was starting to feel fear as manik tilts his head as he flies towards icer at hyper sonic speed and grabs icers tail and slams him around like the hulk did loki*
{if u get this reference ur a legend}
"w-what the hell are you" *icer was fealing the true meaning of fear* "YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!" *manik grabs icers throat and flings him in the air putting his hands moving too his side as two red balls of energy forming in them* "GGGUUIIILLLLOOO-" *icer powers up a death ball almost the size of a large planet* "TTTTIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNEEEEE!!!!" *icer launches the death ball* "CAAAAANNNNNNOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!" *He smashes them together making one massive red beam of energy as it collides with the death ball and as soon as they touch they explode destroying the planet when the dust settles we see maniks unconcious body floating in dead space as a portal opens up and he floats through the portal closing behind him*

[back to the present]

*manik jerks awake screaming his sisters name as kale caulifla and vados rush  to see whats wrong* "what is the matter manik did you have a nightmare?" *vados sits beside him* "no i-i remember where i came from....i come from universe 18..."

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