"What is sacrifice?" You said into the mic, looking to the dark wood of the podium.

"Y'know, being in hell and all, ya get to thinkin' that there shouldn't be any sacrifice. That shits for God, and Jesus, or whoever else is up there...but what have you sacrificed? What have I sacrificed? What will be given and will be taken...is there even a difference?" You said, voice choking up as you looked amongst the crowd.

"Growin' up I was convinced I was loved, my parents showered me with so much love and affection, it was almost too much. They worked tirelessly just ta pick their kids up from their way-too-expensive school, feed 'em a meal that they didn't work for, and then put 'em in their bed while they still had to clean up tha house or work another shift. They were still kids themselves but they would figure shit out, they had to or else their children would starve!" You looked to your mother and father who held each others hands, squeezing lightly at your words.

"And they could have let us starve, abandoned us, left us for dead, and gone back to life and what it was before. There would have been no repercussions besides maybe their conscious sneakin' up on 'em from time ta time. But they didn't, and that was their sacrifice..." you finished, looking away from them.

"Life was sweet, until I turned 10 and my parents said I had ta join tha circus or else I had ta leave. Though it was cruel I understood that there was no place for me anymore, so I left and sacrificed my education, and my childhood."

"So I slaved, I worked my ass off every day and night for 13 fucking years, for pennies and scraps. Relyin' on the kindness of strangers because it was all I had..." you felt the tears leaking from your cheeks at the memories came back to haunt you. Memories of being starved for messing up a routine, falling from the tightrope and nobody checking to see if you were okay, having to patch up your bleeding sister.

"And while I was there I met Julius, and I thought my days of sacrificing were over. Finally, someone who loved me for me, unconditionally...

And even when he would come home late smellin' like other girls, I said nothin', because he loved me. I gave him everything he could ask for, my time, my money, my all...and I made the biggest sacrifice. I gave him my dignity." you said grimly, staring down at the podium.

"When I caught him in bed with my sister, I realized that my all wasn't enough. That no matter what, someone would always want more...to be on top, to be the greatest, and it's all a bunch of bullshit." You said shrugging, looking up at the crowd and catching Striker's eye, before looking back at everyone else.

"So when I look at this room full of greedy, snobby ass wipes who could give less of a fuck what happens to me or anyone else, I turn my nose up with disgust. You're just like tha stupid demons in tha pride ring, or tha angels that come to exterminate us every year like roaches, thinking you're better then tha rest. So ask y'selves—what makes ya any better then me? Have we not both given our all and received nothin'?" You asked rhetorically, looking to everyone in the room who adverted their eyes.

"At the end of the day, did any of it even matter? I gave my all over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and—"

"Y/n, I think we get it—" Thombathy spoke up, reaching to touch your hand. He quickly retracted it as you raised your voice.

"NO. NO, YOU DON'T FUCKING GET IT." You shouted, slamming your hand into the wood of the podium. A splitting noise was heard and the podium was cracked down the middle, not all the way, just partially. You weren't even that strong, the wood was just weak, but to everyone else it looked like a pretty big display of strength.


By the end of it your was hair messy and your breathing was heavy from the outburst. Everyone just stared at you in awe, was that really acting? Did you really feel that way about everyone?

"Some of you need to realize, that maybe you'll just never be good enough." You finished in a calmer yet more sinister tone.

Not even a minute later the buzzer sounded and you stepped down from the podium, taking your seat. As you sat back down roughly you saw Thombathy visibly flinch before getting his fake host smile again.

"Ummm...okay. Lillique you're up next." He said nervously watching as you left, scratching at his collar.

She did her speech which was honestly not bad at all, and after it was done you just sat back down next to Striker. He didn't look at you, and your parents just stared at you and asked you questions like "Are you alright?"(no) And "Is that really how you feel?" (yes). You didn't respond back, you just stared ahead at the centerpiece lantern in the middle of the table.

Your food was served and you didn't even acknowledge it, you just kept staring.

Striker didn't want to admit it but he was getting worried, had you heard what he said earlier? Surely if you did, then this wouldn't have been your response. You were usually a little angsty but never in a hostile way. If you did hear him, he'd expected you to make a fun little joke back but, obviously he was wrong in his assumption if that was the case.

He took a quick glance at you and saw your face contorted in anguish.

Yeah. You definitely heard him.

It was like he was seeing you in your rarest form. Angry, hostile, and frankly terrifying.

To Striker, it was one of those situations where you say something and don't really mean or understand what you said until you think about it later and go "Maybe I was being dramatic...". But he would never say that out loud.

He sighed and stared at the food. It was getting cold but it's not like he was going to eat it anyways. Too many people envied you, and would probably try to kill you or at least someone you knew.

As they started taking the now cold food and were giving people their deserts, Thombathy ascended the stairs.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and They/Thems... we have reached our final decision on who is the winner of tha Thuggish Ruggish Ball's Greediest Imp In Hell Award! Give it up for..."

A drumroll began out of know where, and your eyes finally shifted to the man.

"Y/n! Step right up and accept your award!" He exclaimed.

You sighed, walking up to the podium and taking the award from Thombathy. You held a frown on your face and thanked the man, whose own smile fell in response.

"Hey y/n, ya okay?" He asked worriedly, whispering to you as you stepped up to the podium.

You shook your head no before beginning your speech as the crowd cheering you on hushed as they spotlight shown down at you.

Looking in between the shiny green award, the crowd, and Thombathy who's frown only deepened. "I forfeit." You said, which caused everyone to gasp at your words, confirming their suspicions that you did mean what you said. You left the podium and stormed off stage, shoving the award in Thombathy's hands.

"Give us a moment folks," Thombathy said into the mic before pursuing after you.

He ran in front of you, cutting you off from leaving.

"Y/n, sweetheart, ya sure about this?" He asked, the award leaning in his arms. You gritted your teeth and played with your red satin gloves.

"Y-yeah, I'm sure." You sighed. You walked off and before you left you heard Thombathy yell.

"If ya ever need someone ta talk to, sweetheart, just come back to tha bar an' ask fa me!" His words caused a small smile to spread on your face.

"Hm...I'll keep that in mind." You whispered to yourself before leaving out the backstage door.

You were now on the balcony, admiring the view of your small urban neighborhood you grew up in.

You took a deep breath of the smoggy air. Was it healthy? Of course not. But it was your home.

You closed your eyes and enjoyed the calm air, that was until you heard a voice call out to you.

"Hey Angel Face..."

Malicious Tango - Yandere Striker x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora