Under The Mistletoe

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So a little oneshot, coz it's been on my mind and I wasn't bothered to start up a whole new book on it, hehe. 

In case yall get confused with the ages here, Lan Xichen's the oldest, Jiang Cheng's next [poor fellow has to be the older one for once]. Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang are fifteen-year-olds at the start, both same age. 

Wei Wuxian... you'll see! 😉 

Hope you guys enjoy this! Thanksie for reading and have a great day/night, sweethearts! 


♥️ WXLL! 


Gentle golden warmth dappled the jet-black hair dancing in the breeze, bathing it in the sunlight, tousling it up tenderly to fill its roots up with the summer breeze. Car rides were always relaxing. Long, smooth and stress-free. Either you just sat in the back, laid down and listened to the radio playing your all-time favourite pop songs. Or you sat at the driver's seat, gripping the wheel, riding on and on down the curvaceous bumpy road just to feel the wind in your hair and breathe in the summer scents all around you, while also letting go of all burdens, all worldly woes. All you would do is focus on keeping the car going, headed straight on, observing how the winding road twirled and twisted, anticipating what was to come around the bends.

Just like life, Lan Wangji thought. You keep going on, either knowing your destination, or just following the path you see. Lots of twists and turns. Never know what's around the corner.

But, of course, everything's alright as long as you hold onto the wheel tightly. In firm control of your journey.

But then... Gege said there are times when you lose control of the wheel and the tyres, when you skid across the road into a pit you'd never climb out of... Said the reason tends to be a strange person that makes your innards writhe... 

Lan Wangji frowned. Gege's been saying weird stuff these days. All after that Jiang Wanyin came as a guest to the company's conference, Lan Wangji shook his head. Jiang Wanyin seems to be affecting gege's mentality a lot. Skidding into a chasm... What did he call it again?

Ah, yes. Something called love. Heard of it many times... Wonder what it is... he shrugged as he signalled to the driver to turn up the radio of his Mercedes-Benz C-Class.

Turning around a sharp bend into a lane that drove up a gradual hill, the fellow at the front honked the horn to let the guards know Lan Wangji had arrived and drove the young boy through the tall iron gates into his family's old estate house.

Little did he know... that the one bend he turned around will lead to that very chasm of sweet doom...

❄️ ❄️ ❄️ 🎶 ❄️ ❄️❄️

Rrrriiing! Creak! "Yes?" The butler looked up and down the young lad standing at the door. "Would this be Second Young Master Lan?"


"Welcome, Second Young Master Lan," the butler bowed to him and let him in.

At last, he was here. He remembered leaving home when he was five, to follow his Mother on her business trip abroad. Mother and son had stayed there before and he had started school in London, returning only for high school. They came back to China and reunited with Lan Wangji's father and elder brother. Now that he was back, Wangji would pursue his higher studies at high school and then a top university in China. He and his family had it all planned: he would major in both Music and Business, staying at his apartment in the city until his brother called him back to this very family home to help run the estate. He would help the family run their business, Seraphim Tea. Famous nationwide for its supreme jasmine and chamomile tea. 

Under The Mistletoe ✔️ [MDZS One Shot, WangXian Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now