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Hey there let me introduce myself along with  how things happened  and how it came to where things are present day for me  .
See about three and half years ago a supervillain by the name of hawk moth( i call him hawk bitch) invaded Paris causing us to lock up our emotions otherwise we would have our emotions taken advantage of and for some they did . My name is Marinette  Sofia Isabella Cheng  I'm half Chinese and half American I know a lot of languages ( which I will get into later ) my mom Sabine is one of my biggest supporters of my passion . I'm a fashion designer and have my own business which my bestfriend Chloè helps me run we are very successful in what we do , the name of our business is called miracle which is a mediation slash fashion business . my squad and i are called Mt which stands for miraculous team

It helps relieve stress and anxiety then also gives a new way to keep emotions in check so they aren't taken advantage of . The fashion part of it is comfortable yet practical which includes business attire, everyday attire and even gala attire my alias in the fashion world is mc only a few know of that face behind the name meanwhile keeping it anonymous so I don't get attacked while trying to finish school .

My school years have always been stressful especially two years ago when this scheming little bitch of an Italian comes with these oh so amazing stories ( which we all know are fabricated) and shakes up my life yet also shows me how fake my classmates are but a good thing came out of that I saw how I can really trust and who I know to never will put my faith in. Imagine being ladybug on top trying to finish highschool so I can get out this toxic ass city on top of running a business while having a dumbass for a partner and bitches who's trying to destroy me thank goodness I have luck on my side right .  Although  i have some luck on my side i still have some obstacles in my way including a bitchy liar , a backstabbing wannabe reporter , morons with one brain cell ,  a rapist for a step dad  and former partner .  Senior year what a crazy ride.🙄

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