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Smut warning!


Everything was a horrendous mess.

Her brother and her two best friends were ignoring her. What else could go wrong at this point?

A knock on the girl's bedroom window resonated through the room. Adora lifted her head from her hands and stared out at Eric who climbed up the latter and onto her roof.

It was a little over a week since she'd seen Harlow. 

Surprisingly, her father actually started getting out of bed and focused more on the family. It was tough for Adora and her dad, but it just proved that Harlow's staying-at-home faze worked out for the best.

Adora reached for the window, pulling it up and pushing the curtains out of the way for her new beau to step into the room.

Eric's mouth slightly dropped at the sight of her horrendous room. It was a mess!

"Oh, yeah." He suddenly breathed out, towering over the girl. His arms snaked around her waist and his lips curved into a small smile.

"Huh?" Adora asked, confused as of why he'd just said 'oh yeah.'

"We, are going to be changing this whole place up!" Eric lifted his index finger, eyes searching the room. He started walking over toward her desk, but didn't take off his arm around her.

The warmth of his touch, almost made fireworks explode in her lower stomach. Adora could feel his fingertips snaking underneath her t-shirt, but not pushing further, just staying put and pressing on her soft skin.

She felt safe and at home.

"We? What do you mean, we?"

Eric turned his head toward Adora, smiling with his eyes. "Well, I was thinking we could hang out and I could help clean up." He shrugged, removing his touch to walk over toward her closet.

It felt cold and almost icy, like the comfiest blanket was taken off you in the chilliest morning of them all.

He's acting like a boyfriend, Adora thought, eying him suspiciously. 

Approaching him more quickly than she wanted. She made sure to grab the end of his chin with her left hand, turning him around so he could face her.

Eric turned around, surprised of the sudden encounter. His eyes widened but soonly squinted slightly as she let her lips make their way to his. She slowly brushed her lips against his, feeling a sort of connection she never had before.

Eric's warm breath collapsed onto her lips and cheeks. His breathing hardened and slowed down, only focusing on her and nothing else.

"I'd say it's not time for cleaning up, right now." Adora whispered, liking the bottom of her lips in excitement. 

"Mind enlightening me as of what were doing, right now?" Eric asked, tilting his head so that his lips could be touching the corner of her mouth.

"My dad's not home." She slowly said, letting her eyes lift up to his.

"I'll make tonight, the best one in a damn while." Eric groaned out of his mouth before crashing his lips onto hers.

Adora and Eric both fought for dominance, letting their lips swole each others. Their hands roamed on eachothers backs, trying to take their shirts off, but not at the quickest rate for the fun of it.

Eric slowly brought her shirt off of her shoulders and let it slip down her body like nothing. His fingertips roamed her collar bones and his breath hitched at the back of his throat at the vision of her lingerie. It's perfect, the boy thought.

Adora grabbed his face and brought his lips back to hers, crashing them like a breaking dam. She took off his white t-shirt and brought it over his head as she still managed to makeout with him.

Before Eric could even try to take off her pants, the girl managed to grab his belt and pull him in. Then, she used ever finger muscle to take it off, undoing the buckle and letting her finger prints stain the metal. 

She ripped off his belt, then, slid down his pants that exposed his very hard budge that you could very obviously see through his black boxers. Their undergarments almost matched.

Eric couldn't breathe at the sight of the half-naked girl, she was so beautiful.

Adora slowly slipped off her pants at the edge of her foot, and letting them fall to the wooden floor.

She used her right hand to push Eric onto his back on her comfy bed. 

The boy laid down comfortably under her body, letting his hands trail to her cheeks where he could grab her face and lean her back down to another heated kiss.

Their lips sloppily crashed against each other.

A small moan escaped Adora's lips, feeling Eric's big hands reach for her back to turn them over. He crouched over her. The girl could suddenly feel a hard on near her entrance. 

Not being able to hold it in, Adora grabbed the waistband of his boxers and slipped them off him. It was big. No question

As Adora's mind started to race, Eric let his eyes reach toward hers. "You want to do this?" The girl couldn't help but nod quickly, feeling a warm throb down into her core.

Eric kneeled down, using his warm fingers grab her lace panties. He slowly and dreadfully pulled them down, letting cold air crash against her core.

Adora whimpered as she waited, now impatiently. 

Eric gave her a lustful glance before jabbing one finger into her pussy, making the girl arch her back in pleasure. He then, jabbed another and started pumping them slowly. His thumb reached toward her clit and started rubbing it at a perfect speed.

A moan escaped the girl's lips as she squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the great and powerful wave of warmth come across her body. 

Eric started pumping faster, adding a third finger and rubbing her clit even faster. It brought a familiar feeling back to her stomach. 

"I-I think I'm going to cum!" 

Feeling him take the fingers out of her pussy made the girl groan out of frustration. She wanted him. No matter what.

The boy grabbed a condom from his back pocket, ripping it open with his teeth and finally, sliding it on smoothly.

Eric slowly let the tip of his dick brush against her, letting another throb go through her core. "Ready?" He asked, his pupils seemingly bigger than before.

"Yes." The girl breathed out, staring at the man on top of her.

Eric gave her a quick nod before slowly thrusting into her. 

He was big. It was amazing. Every little muscle in her was moving in pleasure. She could almost feel every particle in her body dance of happiness.

The slow thrusts started becoming quicker, better, a golden metal. It brought back the knots in her stomachs like it had before. 

Eric groaned loudly, especially after hearing all the slaps when their bodies collide as one. 

"I'm gonna c-cum!" Adora screamed as she latched onto his back, letting her fingers dig into his broad back.

"Me too!" Eric groaned so loudly it sounded like he were dying. 

His thrusts became so fast to the point the knots in Adora's stomach let go in a matter of seconds, feeling his size twitch into her as he cum at the same time as her. 

It was almost like life flashed before her eyes. A man was never successful to make her cum. And he did

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