Though decision

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Yes ,Dad ! let's go
Son! I want you to inherit the company ?
   Why dad aren't you there for the company ?
    Son I am getting old you should take care of the company !
   No dad ! I want to chase my dream .
   Ok son ! I'll give you one day time ,take your decision and let me know tomorrow morning ,is it ok ?
But I am serious this time .....

Alen leaves silently and goes to his friend's home (Jack)
Hi buddy !you came ?
Yeah jack ,
So, what's app how's it going ?
    Well my dad want me to work in the company,but you know why I went to abroad for studies !
     Oh ! Yeah I know but maybe your father is serious unless it is he doesn't  want you to inherit the company .
     Yes ,even I know that let me take my decision .
Jessie is successful in helping their friends marriage then she is on the way to home in bus and meets liya (her friend).
Hi! Jessie ,Where are you going?
Hi liya, I am going to home .What about you ?
     Yeah !me too. Just now I want to call you.
      Why ?
I want to tell you that Alen has returned to town.
How do you know ?
   I have my connections !
Hmm ok!
Jessie returns home.

Alen and Jack goes to restaurant to have dinner and Alen is returning to home in car and he finds that a car is following and wants to shoot him .car is in high speed and a person is shooting Alen .He can't be able see his face as he has black cloth covered on his face .
He takes a shortcut route to his home and escapes from the killer ,he safely returns to his home .
(Alen is thinking) who could be the killer and why he want to kill me , Is it only me or my family also?

Jessie checks Alen social media and confirm that he is back and little smile in her heart !

Can Alen take his decision ? What is his next step.stay tuned guys....


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