Part 13- I can do it!

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Arizona's POV:
So it's been like a month since the wedding, Callie and I moved in together to her house and I sold my house, Callie and I are so happy and I'm almost 3 months pregnant-11 weeks, and today will be our second ultrasound for the baby and we're very nervous

"Please go wake Sofia up for school" Callie said
"Ok honey" I said and went to Sofia's room
"good morning baby, It's time for school" I said to Sofia and opened her windows and I saw she's not in her bad, I came back to our bedroom to tell Callie
"Callie Sofia isn't in her be..." our bed was tidy and Callie wasn't there
"Where are you guys? Sofia! Callie!" I shouted in the house and went downstairs to look for them
"Happy Birthday!" Callie and Sofia shouted and run to give me a hug, Because of my pregnancy and everything I forgot it's my birthday today,
"You remembered!" I said and hugged them back.
"Of course mommy, we even bought cake and balloons" Sofia said pointing on a chocolate cake that says happy birthday, "My favorite!" I said and kissed Sofia on her head and Callie on the lips
"Ugh" Sofia said and smile
"Your birthday is coming soon too Sofia! what do you want for your 10th birthday party?" I asked
"Ummm I don't know but today it's your birthday we can talk about my birthday tomorrow" Sofia said and take my hand to sit in-front of the cake
"Mama, light the candles! I want mommy to make a wish" Sofia said and sat down next to me
"Ok fine I will" Callie said and took out the lighter and lit the candles
"Do you want to help me?" I asked Sofia
"No this is your wish, come on I want to eat the cake today" she said and laughed
"Ok ok" I made a wish, most of the time I don't really make a wish but this time I do...
I wished our baby will be healthy and that next year I will celebrate my birthday with my two healthy kids and my beautiful wife...
We all ate the cake
"Sofia go get dressed now" Callie said to Sofia
"Ok mama" Sofia said and rolled her eyes
"Mommy! Mama and I brought you a present"
I hard Sofia screaming from upstairs.
Sofia went downstairs and she was holding something wrapped
"Here" Sofia said and gave me the present
"I don't need a present from you, you two are enough for me" I said and gave Sofia a hug and kissed her head, "I know we are enough for you" Callie said and smile, "What are you up to calliope?" I asked her and smiled back.

I opened the present, it was a picture of the 3 of us
"I love it so much, my favorites things in the world"
I said and gave Sofia another hug and kissed Callie
"Ok it's time for school and we need to get to work" Callie said to Sofia
"Ok lets go" Sofia said and we left the house
"Sofia do you want to know if you're going to have a sister or brother? Because today we can found out" Callie asked, "Ummm can we have a gender reveal party?" Sofia asked "It's sounds good, I can ask Luna and Isabella to do that" I said
We dropped Sofia at school and drove to work
"You remember Callie today at 3pm our appointment" I said "Please come I don't want to be alone" I said and kissed her cheek "I'll try to be there I promise" Callie said and we entered the hospital
After like an hour I saw Isabella and Luna talking
"Hi Arizona!" Luna said
"I need to ask you two for a favor" I said
"Anything! What do you need?" Isabella asked
"So I don't know if you know but I'm pregnant and today we suppose to find out the baby's gender but Sofia wants a gender reveal party so can you help us and do that for us?" I asked nervous
"Of course we can! I can't wait!" Luna said
"We'll love to!" Isabella said
"Thank you so much! I'll give you the note today after the appointment" I said but I was still so nervous that there is no heartbeats like lest time

It's 3pm I'm sitting alone and Callie didn't here yet "Arizona Robbins?" I heard my OB Sienna said
I got up and got into the room angry at Callie for not being here and then someone got into the room
"Callie couldn't be here, she's stuck in surgery so
I'm here" Isabella said and smiled
"Ok thank you so much I'm so nervous!"
"Ok so do you want to know the gender?"
"Ummm not now, can you write it on a piece of paper and gave it to her?" I asked and point on Isabella "Of course!" Sienna said
"Ok so she's very nervous can you please let us hear heartbeats?" Isabella said, she looked nervous too and hold my hand really tight it was really cute
"Yes!" Brianna said and I heard the heartbeats and start crying "Heartbeats!" I said excitedly
Brianna took a piece of paper and wrote in it the gender, Isabella looked surprised but then she smiled "Ok let's plan you a party"
We left the room and then I saw Callie running
"Calliope slow down, everything is just fine, we heard heartbeats!" I said
Callie smiled and kissed me on my belly
"Now we just need to wait for our gender reveal party!" I said and we got back to work

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