Part 3- Real life

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Callie's POV:
Arizona and I didn't speak for like two days now.
I know Arizona probably doesn't want to see me so I back off, Today she moving out to her own house
Why she didn't speak with me yet?
She did read the letter, I mean I saw her...
Maybe she doesn't feel like me?
I made a joke out of myself, I understand why she didn't come talk to me it's embarrassing if she doesn't feel like me

Arizona's POV:
You probably wonder why I didn't speak with Callie for like two days if I love her too
I didn't know what to say, Im going to talk to her now when she get out from her bedroom
"Callie, can we talk before I move out?"
I shouted to her, "Ok I'm coming" I heard Callie said very quietly.
"If it's about the letter its ok... I know you probably don't feel the same..." Callie said "Its stupid this is why I didn't send it.." Callie said and I see the tears well up in her eyes. "It's not stupid!" I said
"and you are so wrong Callie! I do fell the same I love you and I always be in love with you... you are my soulmate Calliope" I said and I fell my tears well up in my eyes
"So why you didn't talk to me for 2 days Arizona?" Callie said, "Because I was afraid ok? I was the one who cheated I thought I can't just tell you that I love you because I was the one who hurt you and Im so sorry Callie I did a mistake but I love you so much I can't move out and miss my second chance with you forever" I started crying "Oh Ar stop crying, I love you to! so much" she said, she lifted my chin and kiss me on my lips I kissed her back "I missed you" She said
"I missed you to" I said and we kissed again.
"OMG Sofia is in the car alone I need to go! see you tomorrow at work?" I said and go to the door
"Yes see you!" I heard Callie say

Callie's POV:
*after a couple of hours*
My phone rang Its Arizona, I answered the phone
"Its 2am Arizona this must be important" I said to her "Its Sofia" she said, When I heard Arizona said that I felt like Im about to faint.
"What happened Arizona?? what happened with Sofia??" I started freaking out I don't know what happened "What happened to our little girl Arizona??" I said hope she would answer me this time "She... She... She has a headaches I thought it was nothing but when I put her to sleep she fainted and start vomiting on her bedroom floor She stopped but.. but... I feel it's not nothing we're at the hospital you need to come here now!"
I changed clothes as fast as I can and rash to the hospital
When I came to the hospital I saw Arizona crying in the waiting room "Arizona Im here, now you can stop crying and explain to me were is Sofia?"
"They took her to CT I don't know how its happened she just... started..." Arizona started crying now, she can't even talk, I hugged her and kiss her on her forehead "Its ok I'm here now, now lets go ask what happened to our little one" I said try to calm Arizona down "Ok" she said

Arizona's POV:
Callie and I waited until the doctor came out to tell us what happened to Sofia...
"Dr. Lee so what is it?"
Dr. Lee is Sofia's doctor she's really nice and I hope she can take care of Sofia because I obviously can't be her doctor, I'm here to be her mom.
"So what happened to her?" Callie asked
"Sofia is dehydrated" Dr.Lee said "When was the last time she drank water?" Dr. Lee asked and I don't remember "Its my fault she didn't drink! with all the rush because of my new house" I started crying
"I gave her an infusion and she's hospitalized until tomorrow, you can go see her in room 232" Dr. Lee said.
Callie and I want to see Sofia
"Go to sleep honey its almost 3:45am we will be here" Callie said to Sofia "Ok mama I am really tired" Sofia said and closed her eyes
"She's crashing!" I screamed "Code blue!"
Nurses pushed me and Callie out of the room we both cry now, our baby girl crashing!
"Arizona we need to stop crying for Sofia" Callie said and hugged me "All of this happened because of me how I didn't see that she didn't drink, Im a bad mom" I said to Callie and stopped crying.
"She's stable you can come in" The Dr said
"Ar I don't think it's just dehydration" Callie said to me just before I got in "Me to" I answered her,
"I'm going to the cafeteria to get something to eat.
I'll bring you a sandwich" Callie said
"Ok" I said and went in...
"Mommy I want to go home" Sofia said almost crying
"Its hurting me and I want to go home Im tired" now she start crying, I seat next to her on her bed
"Oh my poor baby I'm so sorry don't cry honey you should try to go to sleep, tomorrow we'll go home"
"Promise?" Sofia said "Promise!"
I said and kissed her head "Ok, mommy I'll try"

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