⠀⠀03. the greatest detective, in action⠀⠀

Start from the beginning

Both of them shut up after that, though the glower on their faces as they stared each other down said what their words didn't.

Y/N looked over at Yuriko, clearly annoyed. "Yuri, there's no need to start fights with anyone who comes within a five meter radius of me."

Her friend looked offended that she was the one being called out, but Y/N ignored her as her gaze moved to the detective. He'd been looking at Yuriko with a snarky expression that said 'Ha ha!' but as Y/N turned to him, that expression dissipated and Ranpo quickly stuck his tongue out in Yuriko's direction—an act that Y/N did not miss.

"Ranpo, stop." He cowered in his place with a scowl. "I'm not going to not give you sweets if you stand anywhere else."

Ranpo grumbled under his breath, muttering something about how people ought to give some respect to someone as amazing as him.

"Anyways..." Y/N laughed nervously. What was she meant to say after all that? She decided to introduce them to each other, despite getting the feeling that they'd rather not learn the others' name. "Um... so Ranpo, this is my best friend, Yuriko. And Yuri, this is—"

"—The greatest detective the world has ever seen, Edogawa Ranpo!" he quickly interjected, then went back to his previous sulking state.

Y/N sighed. At this point, it would just be easier for Ranpo to broadcast that to the whole of Japan. Yet, at the same time, she felt a smile pull at her lips at his childish antics. She almost felt embarrassed to admit even to herself that he was just too damn adorable sometimes.

"Ranpo is a friend," Y/N clarified when she saw Yuriko's confused expression.

But, before her best friend could reply, her phone dinged, indicating that she'd gotten a message. Yuriko looked down at the screen and cursed, as if she'd suddenly remembered something important.

"Shit, I completely forgot. I've gotta go run some errands for my mum. See you later, Y/N!"

And see you never, Edogawa Ranpo, she added silently. Something about him irked her deeply, but she couldn't explain what it was. She almost felt that if she stuck around too long, he'd find out all of her secrets.

Yuriko headed out the door and climbed onto her bike, giving her friend—and only her friend—a final wave through the large windows before she rode off, leaving only Ranpo and Y/N in the bakery.

After a moment of silence passed by between the two, the detective turned to Y/N. "Did you really mean that?"

The girl's brows drew together in confusion. "Mean what?"

"That I'm your friend," he clarified.

"Of course I did," Y/N told him. "I wouldn't say something I didn't mean."

"Okie-dokie. I was only asking because no one's ever really called me their friend before—people say I'm too immature. Can you believe it?"

Well... I don't blame them, Y/N thought to herself silently. I've just somehow managed to overlook that trait.

"No, I really can't. How could they say such an atrocious thing?" Y/N asked sarcastically.

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