“I am not a dog!” I growl out my wolf growling with me adding on to the effect and strength of the sound.

     “Loud like one and smells like one; so it’s got to be one.” He says meanly folding his arms over his chest, drawing my attention to he very carved chest and stomach; he is a very very very handsome specimen.

        “That’s like saying a goose is a duck.” I ground out grasping the blanket roughly in my fists turning my knuckles white in strain, the slight pain in my hands from my nails distract me long enough to stop checking him out.

   “It might as well be though.” He says not affected by my knowledge if anything it amuses him that I tried to correct him.

       Okay I really want to punch him in the face. It's a good thing he's not human so when I do hit him it'll heal. At least I think he's not human, 'uhg that would be all bad.'   I hope not that would end up with me being in very big trouble with the elders. And no one in their right minds want that unless they are suicidal which I am not. Humans can't know of the shifter world and the ones who do are either born into or just looking for trouble.  

      “You’re not used to guest are you?” I ask glaring up at him, even far away I have to look up at him- not cool.

     “None that are dog.” he answers still smirking; okay it’s official I don’t like him, even if he puts the Rock to shame in body.

       “And what do you mean by that?” I ask miffed, trying to get a grasp on if he was human. The smell of bear still lingered in the place. I know one thing though is if this is a shifter he's smart by masking his sent with such a dangerous predator no one would come near him thinking he was a bear. But that also brings the question where the hell did he find a bear they have stayed hidden for decades now, and even then there is so few of them.

    “Nice try puche but no ball.” he says walking into the room grabbing something from his dresser drawer.

     I growl losing what little control I had and tried to get out of bed keeping the blanket wrapped tightly around me with one arm. But I end up falling out of the bed and hitting my bad shoulder. I shriek  loudly and turn onto my back and try to look past all the black dots that were in my view.

      “You really shouldn’t of done that.”He says gruffly coming over to me and wrapping his arms around me, lifting me up off the floor.

    I gasp grabbing a hold of his arms hoping he wouldn’t want to drop me just for spite. I grit my teeth past the pain. That’s when his scent hit me and I was shocked, there hasn’t been a Were his stature here in nearly a decade; have his kind return to populate this area? Werebear… one of the most dangerous Were’s out there besides dragons that is. Here they are at the top of the food chain, and he was helping me a werewolf… I know for sure I won’t be able to fight him off if he wanted to get rid of me.

      “Werebear.” I whine trying to hold onto my fear that I knew was shooting out the pheromone that let others know I was scared. My wolf an Alpha knew we couldn't win and she was scared and rightly so.

     “Again, dog is not my type.” He says his chest rumbling with a small laugh.

    “Stop calling me that you Yety!” I growl out, feeling it rumble up from my chest. I was still scared but I was also an Alpha that was getting annoyed with his disrespect to my kind. He chuckles and sets me on the bed, setting me up straight.

       “This is going to hurt like a mother fucker, lucky you dogs can handle pain pretty well.” He says pretty much ignoring my remark, but what the hell did he mean it was going to hurt.

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