chapter 18

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Katakuri: It only seems like yesterday he was still a kid.

Brulee: Hey big bro what are you doing?

Katakuri: Remembering the old days where our brother was little.

Brulee: Y/n right?

Katakuri: Yes.

Brulee: It's been a few years since then, I remember the day he turned four years old. He wasn't that talkative but he was kind.

Katakuri: Indeed.

15 years ago.

A four year old you was watching Cracker and tablet as they were training and you looked at cracker as he used his Devil fruit and made a cracker golem.

Tablet: Hey I thought we said no devil fruit?!

Cracker: Really my bad I was in the moment that I actually forgot we were practicing.

You hop down from the rock you were sitting on and went towards cracker.

Cracker: Oh hey if it isn't our little bro how are you?

Y/n: I want to try, you and big bro tablet have been sparing for a few hours and I want a turn.

Tablet: Y/n com over here.

You turned around and head to tablet.

Tablet: Why don't you play with nougat or how about our new baby sister?

Y/n: Pudding is still small so she won't be able to play and nougat is still with Nutmeg and the others.

Cracker: I still can't believe mama was able to give us ten new siblings in one day.

Tablet: Tell me about it*shudders* nutmeg and the girls made me play dress up with them.

Cracker: Hehehehe yeah and I still have the picture.

Tablet: i still can't believe that our older sisters were in on it as well.

Cracker: I think it was Mozart and compote that suggested Nutmeg and the girls to play dress up.

Tablet: Sometimes I hate Mozart.

Y/n: So is that a no on the training?

Tablet: Jesus, I forgot you were there?!

Y/n: *pouting* Rude.

Tablet: oh no not again.

Cracker: You should really be aware of your surroundings tablet.

Tablet: Says the guy that has actual biscuits for clothing.

Cracker: Okay that was one time!

Tablet: Yeah sure it was.

You were mumbling as you left cracker and tablet to bicker.

Brulee: Awe~ isn't that cute.

You turned and saw brulee with nutmeg and your other sister.

Y/n: Oh hey big sisters why are you with big sis brulee?

Nutmeg: You know what we want.

Y/n: What?

Fuyumeg: *Tfs Vegeta imitation* Strip.

Y/n: um, I need a adult?

Brulee: I think you confused him girls, come on y/n were going back to the cake.

Y/n: I think I'm scared of my own sisters now but I trust big sis brulee.

Fuyumeg: Awe come on It wasn't that creepy...right?

Allmeg: You told him to take off his clothes so I think he wants to be away from us until he feels comfortable again.

Akimeg: Wait why all of us?!

Harumeg: Nutmeg saying he has what we wanted followed by fuyumegs creepy answer.

Nutmeg: Okay I may have given him the wrong idea.

Brulee: Come on guys we need to go.

Nutmeg: Okay come on y/n.

Y/n: I think it's best for me to stay with big bro cracker, thanks for the offer though see ya!

You run as fast as you could and you left nutmeg and your sisters confused while brulee chuckles.

Brulee: Yeah I think harumeg and allmeg was right.

Nutmeg: No fair I didn't mean to scare him, this all your fault fuyumeg.

Fuyumeg: What I was doing it for the memes.

Nutmeg and the others: What's a meme?

Fuyumeg: Ah nevermind you wouldn't get it.

Time skip.

You were on cracker as you try to tell him to teach as you wrapped you hand around his face.

Y/n: Notice me!!!

Cracker: ....No!!! And get off me!!!

Katakuri: And how long have they been at it?

Oven: Seven hours and still counting.

Custard: He really is that determine isn't he?

Katakuri: I think it was my fault, I let him watch me take down some double crossers and I think he wants to learn from cracker considering he is just waiting for an order while we have an island to look after.

Mash: And don't forget that Nutmeg and the others Meg's scared him of being near them.

Lola and chiffon arrived and saw the scene.

Chiffon: Is this why big bro cracker called me?

Lola: I think so?

Custard: Oh hey it's Lola and chiffon.

Chiffon: Hello everyone what's going on?

Oven: We need you to get y/n to bed it's pass his bedtime and he's refusing to leave.

Lola: Oh yeah I still forgot he thinks chiffon is his mother.

Custard: Yes and that is why we need you to get him to his room.

Chiffon: Alright, ahem. Y/n it's time for bed!

Y/n: But mom I want to learn from big bro!

Chiffon: Charlotte y/n it is pass your bedtime and I don't want you to fall asleep randomly remember last time?

Y/n: But mom-

Chiffon: No buts or no stories.

Y/n: awe~Okay mom. 

You got of cracker and began to walk towards brulee.

Chiffon: Now remember to brush your teeth I have some work to do, okay?

Y/n: Okay mom, goodnight.

You enter the mirror with brulee.

Cracker: Your a life saver Chiffon.

Chiffon: No worries big bro I'm always happy to help.

Lola: It's still cute he thinks your his mother.

Oven: Even mama was surprised that y/n called you mom but she ignores it as she is busy.

Chiffon: Yeah Anyways I need to go and put a little rascal to bed.

Lola: See you tomorrow chiffon.

Chiffon: You to Lola.

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