chapter 15

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Y/n, Zoro and Law arrived at the village with the treasure wagon.

Y/n: Now i understand where she has gone to.

Zoro: Where?

Y/n: for now we'll wait for her to come back.

Law: If you know where she is then get her.

Y/n: I know but this is fun.

??? 1: There they are the bandits that stole from lord Orochimaru!

??? 2: It's Orochi you dumbass.

Citizen: Purge the heratic!

??? 2: Sorry but you must die.

??? 1: NO!!!

Y/n and the others watch as one of kaidos/orochi's lacky is beating up his partner till luffy came back with a giant wooden basin and crushed them.

Tama: Big sis!

Luffy: Hey guys what did i miss?

Y/n: Just waiting for you to get here.

Zoro: Did you bring any booze?

Luffy: Nope.

Zoro: Damnit.

Y/n: Fuck off you alchaholic bitch.

Zoro: Fuck you as well Double O Ace.

Y/n: Why you little.

Law: Shut up and tell me what's happening!

Y/n: Since we stole some food from the shogun we needed some fresh water for the citizens so they can't get poisoned and we don't need to worry.

Law: impressive you've understand mugiwara-ya better than all of us. and she just kidnapped you for only a few days.

Y/n: They're ship is like a torture chamber for me.

Law: I feel your pain. i was on the ship as well and i didn't like it one bit.

Y/n: Let me guess she bites you in your sleep.

Law: ...Uh...No.

Y/n: So wait. Am I The Only One She Bites During Her Sleep!!!

Law and Zoro: I guess...we don't know Luffy's/Mugiwara-ya's life very well.

Y/n: Damnit and i still have some bite marks on my body as well.

Law: How about racoon-ya didn't he treat you as well?

Y/n: He did. But miss i dream of meat for a living keeps biting me in my sleep!

Luffy: But It was a good dream!

Zoro, Law and Y/n: It doesnt mean you can just go around in your sleep and bite people!!!

Y/n: Seriously are you really a royal dumbass? Cause i think we have a national problem we have here!

Luffy: That's Not How You Treat A Lady Ace!


Luffy: Since nami's lessons!!!


Luffy: Shut up Ace!! It's not my fault i can't think for once! * begins to tear up* You don't know how hard has it been for me! You don't know what happened to me after you've died!! 

Y/n; Luffy--

Luffy: I can't be the joyful little girl back then i can't keep a fake smile every time i see the friends i made die in front of me and expect for me to move on!

Luffy: Hey Luffy--

Luffy: I can't keep this facade up ace. I-I can't do it anymore...I-I just can't do it.

Y/n: ......

Zoro: Luffy--

Law: No Roronoa-ya let him do it *points at y/n*

Zoro: And why should i?

Law: Do you think you can help someone in a fragile state?

Zoro: *remembering his past* ...No...i don't know how to.

Law: Then let him do it.

Y/n stood there for a moment to regain his thoughts and soon his body begin to move on it's own and hugged luffy for him. luffy looked at y/n but he didn't looked back as he knows there are greater pains than the ones he felt back then so he stayed quite and comfort luffy. luffy soon hugged y/n as well as she cried her heart out as all the pent up emotions began to over flow as she creid in defeat. As that was going on Zoro and Law began to hand out the food and water to the people of the village.

Y/n: ...Do you want to stay like this more or should we stop?

Luffy: Five minutes Ace, Please?

Y/n: Fine Five more minutes.

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