chapter 7

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It was almost 1 am and oven and the others we're waiting for straw hats arrival.

Oven: Hey Nougat have you seen Y/n Around?

Nougat: I don't know we're big bro Y/n had gone to.

Raisin: He must be with mama by now.

Allmeg: You know that he would be with Big sis smoothie, Cinnamon and Citron in the pursuit of the straw hats

Newichi: I don't care, i want to cut straw hat up.

Nutmeg: We should have to say sorry to y/n for cutting up his girlfriend.

Yuen: Is it really okay to teas him after her death?

Oven: We can just cut her limbs and she would be completely harmless.

Yuen: So no ones going to stop torturing him after this right?

Every Charlotte sibling: Absolutely!

But the clock was at 1 am and soon the mirror was about let someone out and it was pekoms holding brulee and Y/n and was pointing a gun at y/n.

Pekoms: Don't come any closer or i will kill him!

Y/n: Pekoms Don't do it You'll die!

Oven: You should have run while you still have a chance pekoms but now you'll die!

Newichi: *notice he's looking at the sky* Shit He's looking at the moon!

Raisin: Damnit!

And soon pekoms was looking at the Moon And transformed into his primal self but Oven Punched pekoms and made him release brulee and Y/n's chain but luffy fell out of pekoms coat and landed her chest on y/n face and everyone was smiling like a maniac.

Y/n: *Muffled * Don't you dare!

Oven: Nutmeg! Yuen! Get the Camera!

Raisin: I have one right here!

Nougat: This is going to be good!

Oven: Okay Little bros and sis! Fire when ready!

Allmeg: I'm going to let Big sis Smoothie and our other sisters look at the photos we took!

Y/n:* Incoherent Demon Noise*

Yuen: He's redder than a cherry lollipop.

Newichi: This is to Good!

Oven: I'll be Joining in as well!

Nougat: Go for it big bro!

Y/n was Struggling but his siblings we're taking picture after picture and was enjoying the fresh torture material they have for him as he gave up and started to cry but then sanji appeared and took luffy and dashed away.

Oven: Shot Him Down!

Pekoms: RAGGGHHHH!!!

Y/n: Wait Pekoms!

Pekoms grabbed Y/n's chain and began to hit everyone with y/n's Body as y/n began to grunt in pain he attack sanji who was trying to escape but he was thrown into a building but Pekoms Remembered Pedro's voice and snapped out of it.

Pekoms: ...Run Away...

Sanji: I was going to!

Pekoms: ...Run Away With Y/n.

Sanji: What?! but why?

Pekoms: He needs to... be with Kind people... before they turn him... into a...

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