Chapter one

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Hey guys this is my new story, let me know how you like it by commenting or voting! Please and thank you! Enjoy. :) 

­­Chapter one

“You’re sending me to boarding school?” I said astonished to my parents.

“We can’t stand this anymore, Kaci.” My mom shouted at me.

“I didn’t mean to get suspended again!” I said throwing my back pack on the floor.

“Well you did, and we’ve had it.”

“You can’t just ship me away and hope that everything turns out fine!”

“Actually we can, and your father agrees with me.” She said smugly.

I looked at my dad in horror. “Your attitude has been rather poor lately.”

“This is ridiculous!” I screeched turning from the room and stomping up the stairs.

“You have the weekend to pack!” My mom yelled after me as I climbed the stairs to my room where I slammed my door so hard that the walls shook.

“Ugh!” I said while knocking over my chair.

All I had done was be late to class again. Guaranteed that gave me another tardy and I already had four, and  when you get five you get a detention and sense I’d already had four detention’s before this, it gave me a suspension.

Wow logic sucks.

I mulled around for an hour or two before deciding I actually better pack. I knew if I wasn’t ready in time my parents would make me leave things behind.

I packed away clothes and accessories first making sure to leave enough outfits until the day I left. Then I started packing away pictures, and room decorations. The whole process took me until Sunday, even with the help of my friend Becca.

“I can’t believe they’re making you leave…do you even know where they’re sending you?” She asked as we taped together the last box of decorations for my room.

“Some boarding school in Hawaii.” I groaned.

“Wait…they’re punishing you by sending you to a tropical island?” She said as she helped me pack away all my pillows and blankets and sheets.

“It’s a prep academy.” I said giving her a knowing look.

“Ew…preppy.” She said scrunching her nose and making a disgusted face.


“This doesn’t seem fair at all, I mean you were only late by five minutes…maybe you could talk the school into taking it back?”

“I wish I could but I already got the suspension and I’m leaving before I would get a chance to talk to them.”

“They can’t make you spend your senior year at a prep school.”

“They can, and they are.” I said as we finished taping up the last box.

“Isn’t it expensive?”

“Probably. They’re sending me to an island with all of my stuff which is more than just two suitcases and a carry on.”

“How are you getting all of this on the plane?” She asked pointing around to all the boxes.

“They’re shipping them to my dorm today, and I’m getting on a plane tomorrow.”


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