⠀⠀04. just a crush⠀⠀

Start from the beginning

Beneath the sun's rays, the rosy tint that dusted her cheeks and the tip of her nose took on a deeper, warmer hue, allowing her skin to almost glow in an ever so ethereal way. With the sunlight hitting her face perpendicularly, it even seemed to illuminate her eyes, irises looking so much more lively and brighter than they normally did.

Ranpo froze mid-bite, because, with the light shining on her features and making them all clearer, like a camera that had finally managed to focus on the object, Y/N's unique beauty radiated through.

He'd never dwelled much on her physical features—or anyone's, for that matter. It seemed like such a trivial thing to focus on in the face of things like intelligence, or a kind, just heart. And yet, despite that, the one thought that struck Ranpo in that moment was... Y/N was very pretty—perhaps not by society's standards, but those standards were stupid anyway. Society even said that he was a joke of a detective, so what would it know about anything?

No... Y/N was very pretty, and it was by Ranpo's own standards. Giving it a little more thought, he realised there wasn't quite anything he could consider a flaw present in her—inside and out.

Briefly, the detective wondered where these thoughts were even coming from. Had all the sweets he'd consumed finally got to him? Maybe the girl was right about cutting down on his sugar intake after all...

He composed himself as she looked back towards him, her stare then dropping to the pastries in front of him, all but one final chocolate-filled croissant gone. She watched as he picked said croissant up and ate almost half of it in one bite.

Y/N sighed. "If you're going to ask for anything more, just remember it's going to cost you another apple."

An apple in exchange for something sweet... Somehow, Ranpo didn't mind that condition.

Not when the sweetest thing was Y/N herself.

There was something strangely calming about sitting soundly in bed while watching life go on through the window. The sight was a reminder that the world would continue to spin no matter what happened.

Y/N often found herself staring out her window when she was deep in thought—it was just in such a convenient place that she could remain seated on her bed and get a perfect view—like today, for instance, where she'd been unable to get Edogawa Ranpo off of her mind.

He, and only he, occupied every one of her thoughts.

The girl picked up her pillow and buried her face into it, screaming silently. How had she gotten herself into this mess? Y/N knew what this all meant—she liked Ranpo. She liked that stupid, immature, childish man.

How could I not? a part of her argued.

God. She was in some deep shit.

A sudden knock on the door startled her, her sister, S/N's voice following. "Y/N? Can I come in?"

Y/N composed herself with a deep breath. Then while raising her voice a little so it wouldn't sound muffled, she replied, "Yeah, sure."

The door opened a moment later and S/N slid into the bedroom, making her way towards her little sister who was still staring out the window.

"You look like you're thinking hard," S/N commented, flopping onto Y/N's bed.

Y/N turned to her sister and shrugged. "Not really."

S/N wasn't convinced as she raised a skeptical brow. "I've seen that look before. There's something you aren't telling me."

Y/N tried. She tried so damn hard to keep silent, but with every passing second she felt like she would explode, as if the words on her tongue were a timed bomb. Eventually, unable to keep it in any longer, she burst.

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