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A single painting can change your life. The way you think, the way you feel, how you view the world. It can change everything.

Art dealers call paintings such as this an unforgettable, fateful encounter they can only describe as falling in love.

Here in this strange world, I found a love so powerful it captured my heart more than the greatest masterpiece.

...Through a strange door in the Musée du Louvre, I wandered out of my own time and into a mansion in the 19th century France.

I had just woken from an incredibly vivid dream. A strange dream, that a man pinned me down and sank his sharp teeth into my neck.

"They were like vampires or something."

I told Jisung as I forced a lighthearted tone of voice, hopefully expecting some kind of reassurance from him, but instead, he paused thoughtfully without saying anything. He kept his eyes on me as he rested his chin in his hand.

"I believe the mansion decided to show you that dream." - "The mansion made me have that dream? That doesn't even make sense, I don't-..." - "The dream serves as a warning-... that you are to give them neither your body nor your heart." - "Them?" - "The residents of this mansion. For you see, everyone you've met tonight - they are exactly what you saw in your dream. They are all vampires."


"...Wow, I didn't expect you to be such a kidder, Jisung."

He seems so serious all the time, but apparently he just has a very odd sense of humour.

He gave me a sympathetic look before responding in a gentle tone of voice.

"Unfortunately, I'm not kidding." - "What...?"

It felt like my spine had turned to ice when I realised he sounded deadly serious.

He's telling me the truth? They're really vampires?

Ever since I wandered through that door in the Louvre, all sorts of thing's I'd once thought were impossible had actually happened.

I'd travelled back in time to the 19th century to a mansion filled with some of the greatest men in history and on top of that, they're all vampires?

"Please listen and try to remain calm? This place is..."

My breath caught in my throat, my heartbeat exploding in my ears as I waited for him to continue, but...

"Stop joking around with her."

I turned and saw a tall, handsome man leaning against the kitchen door frame, arms crossed over his broad chest.

Sharp, intelligent eyes the colour of a stormy sea stared at me beneath his slightly tousled, sandy brown hair.

I met him last night. He's... Jungkook.


Last night he acted like even introducing himself was a huge pain...

"It's just a joke...?"

Jungkook let out a deep sigh and sauntered over to me.

"What else would it be? We're obviously not vampires." - "R-Right... of course..."

That was a close one. I totally almost fell for it!

"...You're about as gullible and trusting as my brother." - "What was that?" - "Nothing. Talking to myself."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Jungkook walked over and stopped in front of me.

"Any other questions?" - "Not particularly..."

JJK | Temptation in the Dark | Jungkook x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now