23: golden sunrise ☆

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" Emerson asked as she turned around in her seat.

"We can watch the sunrise," He answered with a shrug as he grabbed some towels and laid them down on the floor of the twinkie. Emerson raised her eyebrows as she smiled at him, she couldn't help but think: this is something that couples do, and she never expected that thought would bring a smile to her face. JJ turned noticing the look on her face, little did she know he was thinking the same thing. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason," Emerson replied.

"Mhm," He hummed, then held his hand out for her to take. Emerson didn't have to think before sliding her hand in his, allowing him to guide her into the back of the van.

They sat with their backs against the seat as they looked out at the waves crashing against the shore. It was peaceful, more peaceful than either of them had seen the beach. Usually it was filled with people wanting to surf, swim, or just lay on the sand. There was always somebody there, but now it was just the two of them.

They were quiet but the silence wasn't awkward, it was comfortable and safe. Emerson's gaze remained on the water as she tried to pretend that she didn't notice JJ inching closer to her.

"Once everyone's back at the chateau we're gonna melt down the gold," JJ announced, breaking the peaceful silence.

"So it isn't traceable?" Emerson asked, glancing at the blonde pogue. 

Emerson found herself amazed that she was sitting and talking with a pogue. Even just a couple weeks ago she would've done absolutely anything just to avoid him, but now she found herself wishing he was always around.

"Look at you smarty pants," JJ said, causing Emerson to let out a small laugh. "All that gold... I never thought we'd find it."

"But you did, you found it," Emerson smiled. "You guys deserve that gold."

"You deserve it too," JJ told her, but she just shook her head.

"No, I don't," She claimed but JJ just gave her a look of confusion. He wanted her to explain why she felt like she wasn't worthy of having the gold, he wanted to know what brought a frown to her face. "It's your treasure hunt, not mine," She added but JJ let out a quiet scoff.

They got quiet again, both of their focus seemed to be on the water but in reality both of them had about a million thoughts rushing through their heads. JJ didn't want to press the gold topic any further because he knew this whole situation was fragile. He knew that Emerson was still fighting the urge to go back home and become the person she's supposed to be, even though the person she wants to be is with the pogues. JJ didn't know what it was like to have parents who expected so much, and he didn't know what to say to help her.

"I'm fine JJ," Emerson announced without JJ having to say anything. "I feel your eyes, it's distracting."

There were two different ways JJ felt he could respond, he could try to see what's really bothering the kook or he could try to lighten the situation. The Maybank boy wasn't exactly known for his inspiring speeches that make everyone feel better, no he was known for having a good time.

"So I'm distracting?" He asked, making Emerson smile as she turned to him.

"Shut up," She told him, trying to force the smile off her face.

He moved his hand to start playing with her hair, and he could feel her shiver when his hand brushed against the back of her neck. "Is this distracting?" He asked, but instead of answering Emerson just let out a sigh, giving him enough of an answer. 

JJ pushed her hair away from her neck, as he brushed his finger against her soft skin again. She could feel her heart beating faster and her skin getting warmer. Emerson never realized that such a small touch could make her feel such incredible things. But then she had to remind herself where she was and who she was with.

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