puppy eyes.

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━━  april 15, 2017.
yeah, i think i'm in love.

nayeon decides to bring a surprise
to her brunch with min.

NOTES BEFORE WE START: please read the a/n at the end!

chapter idea inspired by the lovely amourtrain 's suggestion ! thank you for your endless support <3

     IT WAS THE SECOND TIME that week nayeon had suggested— no, asked— nay, sorry, begged— min to go out for lunch with her

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IT WAS THE SECOND TIME that week nayeon had suggested— no, asked— nay, sorry, begged— min to go out for lunch with her. why? she was hungry and bored, nayeon said. because of course she was, min thought. whenever min called nayeon, she was always eating or thinking about food. if she wasn't, then she was drinking something to quench her thirst for food. and she still managed to stay so skinny, min rolled her eyes at that thought.

    don't you have another comeback to get ready for or something? min had asked.

    nope. or maybe yes. probably not. is what min remembered her saying. it sounded like a nayeon response.

    and honestly though, even if nayeon did have a comeback to prepare for, she still would've gone on a lunch date with her. because she hated that they were always busy. she kind of pitied the girls, it was like they had a comeback every month. no matter how much nayeon pestered her, min still loved nayeon, and would do anything to get her mind off work, even if it were just an hour or two. so of course, min said yes. because she couldn't say no.

    and that's how min winded up here, where she is now, waiting for nayeon to show up to their small diner date. it was kind of funny how nayeon was the one who wanted this to happen so badly, but was the one running late. she was even the one who picked the place: min didn't even know what the place was called.

    min sat there for another five minutes, wondering what was taking her so long, while also trying not to be noticed by anyone. min will admit, nayeon picked a pretty good day to have lunch, even though it probably wasn't intentional. there wasn't anyone at the diner except for an old couple, and they were seated across the other side of the diner, way out of earshot of whatever min and nayeon would decide to talk about. it didn't look like anyone was coming anytime soon. including nayeon.

    what was taking her so long?

    it had been ten minutes by now. min was confused, but also started to get worried. did nayeon, nayeon, stand her up? was she hurt? did someone notice her and stop her for a really long picture or something? she had been waiting for so long that even she was starting to get hungry. min was literally ready to get up from her chair and go on a scavenger hunt for her.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋  ,  𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now