Chapter 2

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As your slender feet touched the grass, winds blow out making your hair and clothes move around. Right hands blocking some of the wind on your face, you continue to walk on a supposed to be short journey.

Sigh.. hopefully this time.. it will work.


Finally after a hours or so, you finally found what you were looking for.. a door.

You might be wondering why did you go out on a long journey just for a mere door?

You see this door isn't ordinary, only does who are bestowed by luck can find it. Thankfully, you are a very lucky person. That's how you survive in the island.

You weren't born from there, rather you just happened to be floating around in the sea and manage to somehow found the island. It's a very strange island, as there was an only one house build in yet there wasn't anyone and it's making you wonder if they'll came back one day- and as for if they're dead? That's impossible as you have already memorized everything on the island you notice that there where a lot of destruction, a destruction only does who have see devil fruit can have as there wasn't anything that suggest it's haki and so the only thing that came in your mind was the person who can destroy half of the island is definitely not weak and because of that you have been putting your things in your secret room for safekeeping and in case of emergency, you can never be too careful after all.

Anyway let's go back to the door. The door was colour black yet with a very unique design. On the middle was a crown, it was just a door but you know it's not ordinary as there wasn't even a house yet there's still a door standing in front of you and most of all, you're pretty sure you've been here the whole time yet just a second when you blink, it appears.

You tried to open the door but it was locked, so instead you opened your bag and search for the key. The key for you was very special as you search for clues everywhere in the island and finally you found where it was hidden. It took years! But everything was worth it as you can finally escape this island. You've been trying to get out of it for years and there was one time you finally make a ship on your own, you set in to sail and as you look at the island that was slowly disappearing, you sign but still move forward but as if a barrier was on it, you where unable to move forward.

Such days are now over as finally you can get out of here.

After searching for the key in your bag for a minute, you finally found it. You're hands trembled as you push it in the door knob and with the hope feeling in your heart, you finally heard the noise you longed to hear.



(Male Name) opened his eyes and was meet with a unfamiliar ceiling. His supposed to be dark brown ceiling was replaced with a light brown ceiling, feeling uncomfortable at not knowing where he are. He quickly sat up and stepped onto the ground and quickly moving around the room to find any clue of where he was. Only to find that all the things in the room was normal accessories. Dismayed his gaze paused at the door, a second later he walk over it before slowly pushing it downward, just little to make his eyes see if there was anybody there.

Finding there was no one, he was going to open it wide when he heard footsteps coming towards- probably his direction. Making him quickly but quietly close the door.

In the silence place he was currently was. He heard his loud heartbeat and the footsteps approaching his room and finally it stopped at the door. The door he was just one centimeter away.

Lub Dub

Lub Dub


Authors Corner: So honestly idk what I'm writing. Is this even read able? Anyway sorry for the grammar mistake if you see some as I made this when it was midnight.. and my eyes was literally trying to make me FALL ASleep XD.

Still no interaction with any of the character but maybe in the next chapter you'll get it? I wonder who it is though? Are they friends? Or are they foes? Either way.. every friends is gonna be you're foes so... Who cares.

(PS: I know I said that I will update in a month but... I can't help it 🥺)

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