Chapter 1

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Lynx woke up the next day to the sound of small wings flapping. What ever made the sound landed softly on her box. Lynx looked careful and saw an owl. Lynx reaches towards it than it quickly flew up. "It's ok I won't harm you" Lynx said as the owl slowly perched on the box. Lynx reached up and gently laid her hand on the owl's beak. She felt the owl's beak softly feeling the structure of the beautiful creature's beak while she gently picked up the small creature. "H-hello I-I-I'm Lynx" she told the the owl. The owl did something that made Lynx almost yell, the owl spoke "I'm Nirea it's a pleasure to be in your presence Lynx" the owl had a soft but older voice to it. Lynx stared at the owl dumb founded, but Lynx went into her box holding Nirea close to Lynx's chest. "I'm sure we'll quickly become friends" Nirea said. "I'd like that, you'd be my first friend" Lynx said ever part of that was true sadly she was to poor to even go to school.

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