Homesick (Cassian)

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Summary: Y/N's from the Spring Court, and a good friend of Feyre's. They always stood by her side whenever they could, and when she left the Spring Court for good after setting up its internal collapse, Y/N went with her. There's no doubt that the Night Court is a better place to call home, but still, Y/N can't help feeling a little homesick. Thankfully, they're surrounded by good people who can help them feel a little closer to home.


I stared out the window of my new-temporary home, looking into the streets of Velaris. Families strolled down the sidewalk with smiles on their faces, and I could hear children laughing even through my closed window. It was certainly a different sight from the Spring Court, in a lot of very positive ways.

Yet, for some reason, I found myself feeling incredibly homesick.

A few days ago, I'd arrived in Velaris with Feyre and Lucien. I'd served in Tamlin's court for decades, and watched everything there deteriorate year by year under Amarantha's rein. Feyre had saved us from that in the end, but Tamlin had almost destroyed her afterwards. I did my best to be there for her, to take her side and defend her, but I didn't have much power in Tamlin's court. Finally, she'd managed to escape, but Tamlin had made a deal with Hybern to drag her back. For me, that was the final straw. I knew Feyre wouldn't have come back just to give in to Tamlin, so I did everything I could to gather information and listen in on conversations when nobody noticed me. Finally, when Feyre made her escape, I went with her.

I didn't regret it one bit. But still, it was hard to leave the place I'd called home for so long.

I sighed, turning from the window at last and heading for the door. I couldn't hide up here forever, no matter how much I might want to. It wouldn't help anything in the long run.

I wandered into the kitchen to find Feyre and Rhys sitting at a table fully filled with breakfast foods. I gave Feyre a small smile as I sat down next to her, and she perked up right away.

"Y/N. I'm glad to see you're awake," she said. I smiled, but didn't say anything. "How are you feeling? You don't have any lingering injuries from our fight, do you?"

Feyre, Lucien, and I had been pursed by Lucien's horrible brothers during our escape from the Spring Court. We'd managed to escape, thanks to Cassian and Azriel of the Night Court and of course Feyre's fantastic powers, but it had been a close call. I'd never been much of a fighter, so I'd quickly been sidelined and hadn't taken too many injuries.

"No, I'm doing fine," I replied. "Thank you for checking."

"Thank you for all the work you did in the Spring Court," Rhys chimed in. His voice was quiet, and I could tell he was being gentle with me, but I didn't have it in me to protest or insist I was fine. "The information you gathered will be a big help in planning our war effort."

I inclined my head ever so slightly and gave Rhys a small smile.

"I'm glad I could help."

I didn't say anything else, and I could tell Feyre and Rhys were having a frantic conversation through their mating bond. They really weren't very good at hiding it when they did that. Finally, after a few seconds of silence, Feyre spoke again.

"So Y/N, do you have any plans for the day? I was thinking if you were interested, you could come with me to-"

"Why did no one tell me breakfast was ready?"

Feyre was interrupted by a loud voice as a large figure burst through the door to the kitchen. I turned to find Cassian, the loud, brash general of the Night Court coming through the door and striding right for the table. He took the seat next to me, and didn't spare any of us a single glance before digging into the food before him.

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