Sleepy Head

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Some mentions of anxiety and panic attacks, eating disorder and insomnia

Y/n comes down stairs in the morning to get her breakfast, she is carrying little Edith with her as they both got up late they are still in their pyjamas.

(Cate) "Morning my darlings. Did you sleep well?"

(Edith) "yee mama I sweept well"

(Cate) "Aww good girl, you slept through the night as well like such as big girl! I'm very proud of you Edith."

(Cate) "How about you y/n? How did you sleep okay sweetie?"

(Y/n) "Meh I guess I slept okay." y/n said a passing Edith back to her mom.


I woke up exhausted, as usual, another sleepless night. I put on my robe and walked to little Edith's room to wake her up and take her downstairs with my for breakfast.

"Good morning princess, did you sleep well?" I cooed as she began to stir, rubbing her eyes reaching up with grabby hands waiting for her to pick her up and carry her downstairs. She was old enough to walk but was always to sleepy in the morning or late at night to, it was cute really. As I walked downstairs Edith rested her sleepy head on my shoulder and began to babble on about her sleep and her precious stuffed animals. I heard the radio in the kitchen so I presumed my mom was in there making breakfast and I was right. She was making pancakes. Edith squealed in excitement as they were her favourite food.

"Mama pancakes pweasee!" Edith begged

Edith then sat down on a chair next too our table and began to eat her pancakes. I didn't feel too much like eating as I wasn't hungry but I decided to have a pancake as I didn't want to slip back into old habits. Every time this happened I felt like a burden on my mom, I knew deep down she didn't mind helping me but I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of guilt sweeping through my body each time. With each bite my anxiety began to grow, it was clear that my mom had realised as she snapped my out of my thoughts as they began to spiral.

Cate: "Y/N!"

I jumped and my y/e/c eyes met her blue eyes. They were glazed with worry.

Cates POV

As y/n and Edith began to eat I could sense there was something wrong with y/n. She had dark bags beneath her eyes which were clearly from a lack of sleep, something I knew she struggled with in the past at least but she clearly had begun to fall back into old habits. When the girls began to eat their breakfast I noticed y/n began to fidget and zone out, cracking her knuckles relentlessly, something she did when she began to get anxious or when she was close to a panic attack. I could see her breathing become shallower and fast, a clear indication she was now panicking. In that moment I snapped her out of her thoughts as I could see they were only getting worse and she was now helpless.

"Y/n!" Her breathing became faster. "Hey, hey, hey. Breath with my darling, its going to be okay. I'm here with you, I've got you and your safe." I cooed as I pulled her closer into my lap gently stroking her y/h/c hair. She rested her head against my chest, allowing her to listen to my heart beat, which always helped her to calm and regulate her breathing. As her breathing began to slow and become normal she sighed and simply said "I'm sorry, mom."

"Oh honey you have nothing to apologise for, you cant help this, I'm just glad I was here with you I couldn't bare the though of you going though this alone. Is there any reason why this happened? Was it triggered by anything, just seeing as it hasn't happened in month."


Cate: "Is there any reason why this happened? Was it triggered by anything, just seeing as it hasn't happened in month."

Y/n: "I'm sorry I guess I haven't slept well in a while and I just got anxious about eating again for some reason."

Cate: "Its okay sweetie. There's nothing to be ashamed of, I will help you though this."

I got up, left the kitchen table and walked into the living room, perched on the couch and began to read. I heard the phone ring and my mother answer it. She seemed to talk for ages and it seemed really important but I could her as she moved into her office. I guess that I was maybe work but who knows?

Cate: "Ok thank you for letting me know. I can't wait to get started. See you very soon."

I began to wonder what it could possibly be as my mother ran excitedly into the living room like a child at a sweet shop! She was grinning ear to ear!

"Y/n, Edith guess what!"


Hey, soooo I haven't proof read this yet but I'm kinda very tired and its very early morning and I got work tomorrow so ima head to bed for some sleep...well hopefully so yea anyway hope you like reading this...if anyone actually reads this...thank you guys I hope you like it so far. I'm going to try and update regularly but I'm back to school next week so that might be difficult. Anyway thanks for reading this rubbish so far so yeah I hope you enjoy and hope it isn't boring. If anyone has feedback or requests for later in the book then I would love to here what you guys think. Also, if anyone out there is struggling with anything I'm here if you need to vent!
THANK YOU for reading!!!!! Hope your all well.


Soph :) Xx

969 words

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