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I open my eyes to a dark lit room. I turn my aching head from side to side and try to figure out where I am. There are crates on either side of me and Peter lays across from me, passed out.

I slowly push myself up and crawl over to Peter. I shake him by the shoulder to wake him up.

"Hey," I whisper as I gently shake him. "Peter." I say a bit louder, shaking him again.

His head perks up a bit and sucks in a sharp breath. "Ow, my head." He groans and brings his hand up to his forehead.

"You appear to have a mild concussion." The AI says.

"What the hell happened?" I ask as we both stand up.

"You fell through the purple lights and then the wing-guy pushed me back into it, too. But when I tried to get up it was gone and I... smashed into the ceiling." Peter tells me, slightly embarrassed about the last part.

"Suit lady, where are we right now." He asks.

"I'm not sure. The container walls are hindering my sensors."

"Wait a minute." Peter says and spins around, looking at the container we're stuck in. "They must have hijacked the truck and taken us to their evil lair."

"What?" I say. He sounds ridiculous.

"We're gonna have to fight our way out of this, Y/n." He tells me. I stand behind him and roll my eyes. This kid.

Peter starts getting himself ready to jump through the container, shaking his arms and bouncing a little bit. "Three, two..." He breaths quickly. "One." He says and smashes through the container doors, revealing that we are not in an evil lair, but in a storage-looking warehouse.

"What is this? Suit lady, where am I?" He panics as he looks around in shock.

"You're in the most secure facility on the Eastern Seaboard." She says. "The Damage Control deep-storage vault."

"No, Seriously?!" Peter panics with his hands on his head.

I step out of the container and stand there with my arms crossed over my chest, looking at him and shaking my head.

Peter jumps onto the massive doors and tried to pry them open.

"The door will most likely stay closed until morning." The AI tells him.

"Better get comfortable." I tell him and fly myself up onto another container.

•              •              •            •

As the time slowly passes, Peter sets up two hammocks made out of webs that attach between a couple containers for the two of us.

We lay opposite of one another and I had my hand hanging off the side, red magic swimming between my fingers as it rocks us back and forth slowly. I take off my mask and just leave it on my stomach.

"Hey, Y/n?" Peter says taking his Spider-Man mask off.

"Mmm?" I say with my eyes closed as I continue to rock us back and forth.

"How come you don't talk about your family?" He asks me.

I open my eyes, keeping my gaze set on the ceiling. Nobody every asks me these things.

I look over at him.

"Uhm..." I say as I sit up a little more.

"I- Sorry, you don't have to answer that." He shakes his head. "That was a stupid question."

Spider-Man: Homecoming ft. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now