It's all thanks to you

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Author pov

Milo is currently cuddled up in her boyfriends strong arms the peaceful sound of the tv played around the room

Milo looked up at her lover's eyes his beautiful
black/grey orbs that she fell in love with

"When she met eyes with him it felt as if time stopped and she could see the red line of fate that would pull them together no matter what"

"Ugh what is this cliche shi-!" Milo was stopped mid sentence with a hit on her thigh "i said no bad language" Jesse paused the romantic film they were watching "but that is so cliche like come on!!!" Milo felt like bleaching her ears "Babe its a film..." Jesse sighed when he saw her pout "fine i will put that Avengers movie on or whatever!" Huffing Jesse switched the film

Instantly smiling when he felt her lips press a kiss on his cheek "thank you baby" smiling Milo pulled Jesse into a kiss the avengers intro began playing in the background Pulling away Jesse brought Milo into his chest

And thats how the two had their happy ever after and it is also how Jesse made his vow to make her mask fall came true her smiles were no longer fake they were real smiles and-

"Its thanks to you" Jesse looked at his goddess of a girlfriend "huh? Kitten did ya say something?" Jesse nicknames for her never did not make her heart flutter "n-no lets go back to the film this is a good bit!!" Jesse smiling softly focused his attention on the film

Thats the end~ unless i do some bonus chapters which I probably will do but anyway bye:)

Beautiful liesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon