Please no

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Author pov

Milo is sat in her office in the palace reading complaints about the king and that people want answers they want answers she can't give her people

Milo ruffles her hair frustratedly with a sigh "look what you have done father" she tore yet anther letter up about her father

A ring of the phone caught her attention picking up the white telephone and placing it on her ear she heard the voice of-

"Grandma!?" Milo face was filled with happiness she hasn't heard from her grandma for ages "grandma what is the reason you called?" The line was silent until-

"Im sorry Milo....hes gone" Milo was shocked and confused "w-who grandma?" Dreading the answer she would hear in the next second she heard it "your father" Milo eyes tears fell down her cheeks she let the phone slip from her hand all of the memories of her father when she was young he was a brilliant dad and king if only he didn't go away to that country for that women she should be angry at him but thats her father! The one who taught her how to walk the one who took her out for dad and daughter day outs the one who taught her how to ride a bike

Milo fell limp into her chair "please no" she couldn't believe it she hasn't seen him for half her life and now he's gone both of her parents have slipped away
"please no..." images of her father's happy face flashed through her mind he was never a bad father he never hit her he never shouted at her he treated her like a princess he was so kind and loving thats why she always tried to not be angry at him for leaving


"Oh Milo~ my princess milo" her father voice rang through the garden

He heard a little giggle from the bushes "aha i found you!!" Milo laughed even more when her dad picked her up and spun her around "ahh dad put me down!!"

"I will only put you down but then your gonna have to run from the tickle monster!!" Milo ran away laughing and her dad making stupid noises trying to act like a monster

End of flashback~

"P-please no" Milo head fell into her hands balling her eyes out all the memories of her father made the tears unstoppable it was so hard for her

She was torn just when things were getting better the world had to put her down again she can never stay happy for long

"Im so sorry" Milo stood up and went to a room in the castle she promised not to go in but promises are made to be broken at one point

🌝jk if anyone broke a pinkie promise then a star in the sky breaks:(🌝

After climbing up the thousands of stairs she reached her destination

Slowly walking towards the door the floorboards underneath her creaking at each step she took the cold draft drifting around the room making her skin crawl at the cold feeling, reaching towards the gold rusty door handle her small slender fingers swung the door open to be met with a wind of dust swatting away the dust from her face she walked towards a big brown box with multiple little kid drawings on

Grabbing the box she took time to look around the dusty room in the corner was a little tent with pink covers and next to that was a little whiteboard filled with tiny drawings and writings and on the wall next to the window held photos many photos of her and her- "dad" she grabbed one of the photos while caressing his face with her index finger

Grabbing the box she took time to look around the dusty room in the corner was a little tent with pink covers and next to that was a little whiteboard filled with tiny drawings and writings and on the wall next to the window held photos many photo...

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She remembers her dad telling her how he was so scared to hold her because she looked so fragile and even if he moved a hair on her head she would break

She laughs remembering how he told her he didn't let anyone go near her until weeks of persuading

She grabbed anther one of the wall letting a small chuckle leave her lips with teary eyes

Oh how she missed him she knows what he did was wrong but she can't bring herself to hate him he made her the strong independent caring and kind women she is now it wasn't her mother it was him well while he was still there that was

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Oh how she missed him she knows what he did was wrong but she can't bring herself to hate him he made her the strong independent caring and kind women she is now it wasn't her mother it was him well while he was still there that was

Wiping her tears she smiled softly and put the pictures back on the wall

Kneeling down she opened the old box in the box was videotaped videos of her and her dad oh and a photo album

"Lets have a look..." she said to herself

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