What Have I Done?

Start from the beginning

I still couldn't believe it, I got that stupid commoner to break up with Hikaru, Hikaru completely took him out of the picture, and I have now just reassured all of his trust and love into me. I didn't have to share my brother with anybody anymore! Things were finally going my way. There was one thing that I forgot to do though, and that came to bite me from behind sooner than I thought.

Hikaru came into the room a little later and did his homework silently. I had to admit, it felt good to have my brother back, but right now I felt awkward in the silence. I looked at my homework and called to him "Hey Hikaru, do you know the answer to #8 on the math work?"

He stayed quiet for a while then answered "25. You really suck at math don't you?"

I smiled playfully "Well, you're the one failing your foreign language class, and I'm not talking about English." He frowned at me and went back to his work.

I tried finding something I could talk to him about, but they all could be traced back somehow to Elijah. I frowned and sighed leaning my head back "Hey, Kaoru." I finally heard him say "Yeah?" I asked hopefully.

He didn't look at me but asked "What were you and Haruhi doing for your English project?" I tried to remember "I think the movie was called 'The Breakfast Club'. Why?"

He nodded "Okay, who are you two playing?" I tried to remember "She's playing the Princess and the Basket Case, and I'm playing the Athlete, Brain, and Criminal." I couldn't help but laugh "Funny how that worked out considering today."

He stayed quiet and shrugged "Do you needed props for your scene?" He asked me. I shook my head "No. What's this about Hikaru?" I couldn't help but ask. He stopped writing "Nothing really, I just want to ask one last question."

He looked up at me, almost angry "Why did you ask mom to borrow her jewelry?"

Hikaru POV

I saw Kaoru's expression show shock, but quickly go to a mask of calm "What are you talking about?" He asked "I've never asked to borrow her jewelry. I don't do drag." He started doing his work again, which made me even more unsure about what I was doing. What if Kaoru isn't guilty and I loose my brother as well as a love? I shook my head. No, he wasn't my anything anymore.

But still...why did I feel so uneasy?remembering the events from earlier, I decided to press on "Really? Because I heard different earlier.


I stormed into the kitchen and sat down, puttinjg a hand over my face, groaning "I hate that boy!!"

The chef jumped up slightly and looked at me "What's the matter Master Hikaru?" I glared at him "Your brother is a cheat, a liar,and a thief, that's what's wrong with me!!"

His smile dropped, his expression hardening "Hey." He said seriously "my brother is many, many things, but he is not a theif. He has never stolen a thing in his life, he only lies if he's forced to, and the last thing he ever wants to do is betray someone's trust. Especially if it's by cheating."

I shook my head "Well it looks like you were wrong," I put my head in my hands "He stole one of my mother's necklaces and tried to say it was Kaoru of all people who planted it there!" I stopped and looked up at him"unless..."

He put his hands up "Hey now, I've got plenty of money and I have your mother and the rest of the staff as alibies saying I've been here all night in till I went home."

Well that rules him out as the real thief. 'Real thief? Don't tell me I still think Elijah's innocent. He even said on tape that it was what he planned to do the whole time. But then he said that Kaoru edited the audio,and considering our dad's job, it was possible.'

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