Chapter 2: "Pavilion"

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He had thought he'd find a long haired boy when he grabs the persons foot but instead it was a scrawny girl with the look of a Stark and he recognised the same contempt that he had once seen in Lords Starks eyes but their was a ferocity to it that...

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He had thought he'd find a long haired boy when he grabs the persons foot but instead it was a scrawny girl with the look of a Stark and he recognised the same contempt that he had once seen in Lords Starks eyes but their was a ferocity to it that reminded him of Catelyn Stark. She was dressed like a boy her clothes well worn and dirty. Her hair is tied back in a ragged braid over her skinny shoulders.

He dragged to her feet but he was not as ruff as he might have been if she was a common boy. It was amusing to torment the boy who looked so much like Robert when he was younger but it was good to know he had some leverage on the girl. Jaime sighs and pulls on the girls  harder than he had been when she stoped to look back at the boy then takes the dagger from her belt. Once they are in his pavilion, he binds the girls hands with irons before telling her to sit in the chair opposite his desk. She sullenly hobbles to it and it's down after she was seated he walks around to his side of the desk, placing the dagger on top of a pile of letters and studies the girls long face.

Arya's knee sent darts of dull pain exploding outwards causing her to grimace as she sits, looking back at the Kingslayer as his cat eyes study her a moment. "What's your name girl?" he asks her as he sits down on his own chair. "Nymeria but my mother called me Nan, m'lord" she says with ease and does not look away from him. "What kind of name is Nymeria for a Riverlands girl?"he asks rhetorically but he wanted an explanation. "My mother heard it in a song a traveling singer once played and thought it was pretty, m'lord"she lies and she chews the inside of her lip.

"Are you apart of the brotherhood without banners or are you  just the boys whore?"he asks her. She bristles at being called just Gendry's whore. She had nothing against whores they are her friends but it felt like a slap  to be called his whore when they where much more to one another than what they did in dark corners or when the men were in their cups under scratchy blankets. "I'm apart of the Brotherhood and I'm his wife, Kingslayer" she says putting emphasis on 'his wife' and 'Kingslayer'.She sees a flash of anger come across his emerald eyes but he does not rise to the bait and smirks in slight amusement. "Why would a young girl such as yourself join a group of savage outlaws?"he asks her.

"Because I wanted to do something about your men burning crops and homes. I'm not going to sit meekly while I starve or freeze to death while watching the people I care for doing the same or being butchered,....m'lord"she exclaims but then remembers her courtesy that a low born girl should show to a lord and lowers her eyes. Roose Bolton would rip her tongue out if she'd presumed to say anything like this.

Jaime did not believe the name she gave or it's explanation one bit partly because he suspected she was the younger Stark girl since she had the look and also because she was almost as bad a liar as Brienne was. Thinking of the ugly wench made his heart tug longingly, wondering if she was safe and if she'd found Sansa Stark. He asked her the next question to see what she would reveal since he knew it would hit a nerve and hit a nerve it did. He pushed down his anger at being called Kingslayer and instead an amused smirk crossed his lips. Her declaration confirmed his suspicions of her involvement and relationship. When he told her reasonings for joining the Brotherhood it was on the tip of his tongue to say he had no part in it and that he was doing his best to correct things but he knew the girl would not believe those words from him.She reminded him vaguely of Wenda the white fawn not in looks but in spirit.

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