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A comfortable sigh escaped your lips as you calmly stirred awake, your dreamless sleep mixed with the fact that you were mere inches away from Zhongli was sadly not enough to make you forget about the pain in your body.

Whatever "miracle" cure had been given to you yesterday, clearly, was gone.

"Are you feeling alright?"

You inwardly flinched, having no idea that Zhongli had awoken. Or if he had already been awake for that matter. 

"I'm fine." you gave a soft smile.

Without warning, Zhongli moved closer to you. His eyebrows furrowed, "are you, really?" he hummed softly. His voice sent shivers down your spine, that mixed with how close you were caused you to shudder.

You averted your eyes not daring to look in his if Zhongli noticed he didn't say anything.

"Do you think we can eat with Xiao again today?" you asked trying to change the topic and to think of something other than his eyes... And well, the fact that he was incredibly close to you was another factor for your heart skipping a beat.

"Hm," Zhongli rolled back over, you inwardly sighed in both relief and disappointment, "Unfortunately Xiao is often very busy," Zhongli trailed off, without warning, he dropped his coat and began changing right in front of you, "I suppose I'll have to ask." he finished with a shrug.

However you were barely paying attention to what he was saying, instead, your eyes were fixated on his back. On bulging muscles, realizing you were staring you quickly dragged the covers across your eyes and put a hand to your mouth more in shock than anything else.

The low chuckle that escaped his lips only caused your blush to grow further, "You're cruel." you said, your words almost a whisper.

When you got no response, you slowly removed the covers. Zhongli was now fully dressed again, at least someone's comfortable. You thought with a sarcastic laugh.

"Is there anything, in particular, you would like to do today?" 

You glanced up at Zhongli, silently wondering before answering, "I want to see the night sky." you answered with a dreamy look.

 "On the balcony-" you quickly added with a nervous smile, "I saw a bit of it yesterday--" you trailed off hoping he'd understand.

Zhongli gave an understanding nod, there was a momentary pause as you waited for him to leave. 

You opened your mouth to say something but quickly shut it, why were you uncomfortable changing around him anyway? It's not like he'd ever do anything to me. You tried to rationalize, you got to your feet very slowly due to the aching in your muscles. 

"Oh," Zhongli suddenly said as you glanced at him nervously, "Pardon me," he added with a soft chuckle. 

"You certainly have changed Y/N," Zhongli suddenly sighed in a rather glum tone. "But some parts of you seem to never change." he chuckled once more before leaving the room, giving you no time to reply.

You stared in silence at the closed door, "that goes for you as well," you whispered, "Rex lapis." you mouthed the name through a sigh. It felt wrong, but it had started to click in your mind long ago. However, you didn't have the confidence to confront him yet. Not when all you had to go on was "it feels like it."

After changing your clothes you tested your dendro abilities, to your disappointment, you realized that you were barely able to use them anymore. Even with your vision clenched in your hand nothing seemed to change. In fact, it only made you tired.

Dilly Dallying [Zhongli x [F]reader]Where stories live. Discover now