Chapter 2: false accusations

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Big-Booty-Bob folded his hands menacingly. "Kat has come forward to say you have been bullying her for the past couple of weeks... She says you have been making inappropriate comments to her... More specifically, you have been calling her... 'Thicc' this true because if it is...we'll have to take further action..." Fernando wasn't paying much attention, he was ogling at the twin thiccums. "FERNANDO!" Big-Booty-Bob snapped furiously "pay attention." "so-sorry sir...But I never said anything like that... well not to Kat at least..." Fernando said meekly. "'Well another student, Thiccy-Nikki has also come forward...So I am reluctant to believe you. Although Thiccy-Nikki said she didn't want you to get in trouble so we didn't call you up for this earlier" Big-Booty-Bob says calmly. "so ..What's going to happen to me" Fernando asks "We're gonna suspend you since you don't want to admit to the which is it in school or outta school? You decide..." Big-Booty-Bob said leaning backwards in his chair causing the twin thiccums to grab onto him tightly to make sure they didn't fall. "Outta school" Fernando said as Big-Booty-Bob took out a can of Morning Dew Diaper and cracked it open. "Want one?" Big-Booty-Bob asked. Fernando shook his head. "So...uh, can I go home now? '' Fernando asked nervously. "Sure" Big-Booty-Bob said nonchalantly. "You don't have to get off school property, you know...we could hang out..." Fernando started laughing nervously "aha maybe later" he said, sort of shivering at the thought. "You know, Fernando...My Dad and I are going on a little trip to Thiccsville, Tennessee... and, well he said I could invite someone, and I was thinking that someone could be you..." Big-Booty-Bob said, putting his can of Morning Dew Diaper down. Slick-Thiccums hopped up and grabbed it to take it away. "Ahh but who would run the school?" Fernando asked nervously. "I'll leave it to the Twin thiccums, isn't that right Slick?" "Right." Slick-Thiccums said coming back from throwing away the can, reperching herself at Big-Booty-Bob's side. Fernando agreed, "Tennessee will be fun," he said, wondering if he'd regret saying yes. Ah see, I knew you'd come around..." Big-Booty-Bob said with a big smile on his face

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