chapter fourteen

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He became angry, more I had expected. He swam away from me rapidly just wanting to get away from my presence. I was ready to go after him when he reached the land but forgotten I had a rather large tail, using my power of water I used it to lift myself on the grass changing my tail back to legs.

The green dress already waiting for me on the side before running after Pan.

"Peter, please. I promised I would help you and this is what I'm doing, do you even remember what you done to me ? Huh ? Because I do and it wasent anything I would like to experience again." My bare feet hit against the forest grounds, dodging every branch getting into my way.

My hair flowed behind me as I continued running, watching Pan ahead of me slowly disappearing in the dark.

"You think I'm happy about this ? For the first time in my long years I'm loosing control, Belle." In the ever beginning existence of Peter Pan, he was helpless and lost.

He had no idea what to do, almost defeated by himself. Hes shoulders dropped as I tilted my head standing behind him, resting my hand on hes shoulder.

He flinched at my touch almost as if I burned him and I knew then it was because of what happened earlier.

The kiss.

"Fine, I will let you sail of this island. Under one condition." I stepped awkwardly from one foot to another, knowing nothing goes past Peter Pan.

He turned he's body rapidly, moving close into me he's hand resting on the back of my neck. He's breath fanned my face, hes eye boring right into me.

"Kiss me." It was a demand, order. He's kiss was full of hunger and lust, he craved this feeling as much as I did.

The feeling of electricity shooting across your skin, burning energy running through your veins. My fingers laced with hes hair as I kissed back with equal passion as he did, hes hand running down my back.

The butterflies in my stomach only grew, my back meeting a tree as he pressed he's body into me. I felt dizzy at the overwhelming sensation when suddenly it all disappeared.

I looked around in confusion not being in the same place I have been a few moments ago, Peter nowhere to be seen.

"You cannot leave Neverland." I whipped around, my hair hitting the side of my face only to see The Blue Fairy.

"You teleported me here ?" I blurted out still trying to steady out my breath watching her change into her average size.

"Yes, my apologies. But this is much more important Belle. Pan will not last much longer if you leave, you are the one keeping this island under control. Peter Pan might rule here but you are the only reason this island is still standing, you Belle are bringing out the best in him ever since you came."

I stood still listening carefully to her sudden speech, her eyes filled with honesty and worry. She truly was worried about Neverland and spoke the true facts which I did not yet understand.

"But I have to leave, I need to help Peter. That is the reason for my departure." She simply nodded leaving my words to get to her.

"But you must hurry, my child. He is running out of time."

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