chapter three.

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I tiptoed quietly into the Tree House not wanting to wake the boys or Peter, afraid he has heard or seen what has happened. Ashamed of leaving it ever happening, I had failed and disappointed the boy who saved me from real monsters and a bad life.

He had given me life.

"Afraid of being heard ?" My head shot to the side where Peter stood lazily, soaring down to my ground.

"Afraid of what I heard ?" Hes voice laced with anger that scared me, I saw the darkness in he's eyes that I've never seen before.

This is not the Peter I know, the one I love. He's shadow always had an effect on him and it wasent a good one, As he slowly paced closer to me. Then I already knew he had found out, not caring how.

"It wasent anything, Peter." Quietly I spoke out, bowing my head down staring at my bare feet. My heart pounded against my chest as I noticed he's body infront of mine, as he lifted up my chin to face him.

"I saw everything, Belle. I watched you stare into he's eyes frozen in place, it will never happen again understand ? You made a promise, you belong to me." Hes eyes grew darker as he clutched my body close.

I shivered in fear at he's words, afraid of what I'm seeing. I stood blinking at him carefully studying he's face filled with hatred and darkness, this wasent him.

He's warm presence was replaced with cold air when he disappeared back to hes room, leaving me stand still in my place. Shocked at what I have just experienced, what I have witnessed.

I knew Pan was emotionless and carried no care to anyone what so ever but I had never seen him go to the point like tonight. I sat on the cold ground, memories flashing before my eyes my breathing increasing as my heart pounded against my chest.

"Stop it." The images that flashed before my eyes were forced, knowing too well who made them come.

"Pan was never a boy to love, you have known that from the start." The Shadow spoke out stepping out from the dark corners.

I remained silent sitting on the cold floor, waiting for him to say more but he held the silence still. Lifting up my head I noticed him mimicking my position with hes legs crossed, hes head resting in the palms of he's hands.

"He wouldn't want you to leave Neverland, even now you have seen the true side of Pan." He spoke out carefully choosing he's words.

"I wouldnt leave, I made a promise. Anyway how would you know what he wants or not ?"

"But you were thinking about it, Belle. He is a villain, he has evil growing inside him and it is only becoming worse. You know yourself he is not the fairytale character like the books made him out to be." He was right about Peter.

In books he is a free boy who enjoys adventures, full of emotions. But truthfully, he doesn't have any.

"He's changing. I am him and he is me, after all I am only a Shadow of Pan." With the last words he disappeared into the quite night, leaving the words circling my thoughts.

He will never learn to love..

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