chapter two.

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I sat at the table opposite of Peter carefully watching him. For some reason I felt this anger building up inside of me and I disliked everything, every moment that passed by I struggled to keep back an outburst at something.

Especially the children.

I was seventeen while Peter was eighteen, you never grow up in Neverland ? You don't, you stay the age you desire. I wanted to reach my teenage years so that is what I received, Peter decided to grow along with me a bit more.

But as teenagers we never got together. He was heart broken from Wendy and I struggled with the past I had, monsters and pains I dragged behind me. I watched he's sulking eyes as he tried to put on a proud smile as the boys showed him something.

Before I knew it I was storming across the large table straight at Peter, taking a handful of he's loose white shirt.

"Pick yourself up Pan, she's just a girl ! You deserve better than her anyway." I pushed him back into he's seat, jumping off the table, stalking outside.

I kept walking only to find myself by the Sirene Pond, recieving all the Sirenes to pull their attention on me as I sat on the edge of their territory.

"The Lost Girl, having troubles ?" One hissed between her teeth as her alluring voice sang in my ears only for me to roll my eyes.

"Not your concern little Sirene, go ahead and eat some fishermen." Angrily she hissed at me, insulted at my words before returning to her neutral sweet face.

"Come join us, you would be a great Sirene young girl. All your worries would vanish." For some unknown reason I began paying attention to her words.

"Become beautiful, every boy and man wanting to just get the feel of having your attention." I burrowed my eyebrows together thinking her words through.

"Even Peter Pan." She reached out her hand for me to take, which I hesitantly accepted. Even Peter would want me ?

The cool waters splashed around my feet, my eyes locked with the Sirene I felt hypnotised around her words. My body shot down with a loud splash when a blue flame flew in between me and the Sirene.

Opening my eyes I left my body float under water, watching the water freeze around me the Sirenes scattering away. Before I was lifted into the air, coughing out water as I stayed on all four my clothes dripping wet.

"Stupid Lost girl, do you not know what Sirenes do ?" A voice spoke out but I didn't exactly pay much attention to whoever was speaking.

"What would you of done if I wasent here, Would your beloved Pan save you ?" Focusing more I knew that snug voice all too well.

I stood up crossing my arms across my chest, frowning at Mr.Frost the troublemaker.

"Trouble in paradise ?" He smirked at me, crouching ontop of he's stick before hopping off frost covering the grass underneath him.

"Stop with the Frost, Jack. Peters going to get angry again." My shoulders dropped as I turned around at the thought of Peter and today's event. Cold fingers wrapped around my wrist before I was roughly pushed into a hard chest.

Angrily I glanced up into Jacks cool blue eyes and smug smirk staring down at me, only to realise I was only a few inches away from him. My eyes trailed down to hes lips, as he leaned in closer to me.

"Let's fly." He whispered, hes breath fanning my eyes my stomach flipping upside down at the little thoughts that flashed across my mind.

But we remained in the same position, not moving apart putting more space between us. The closeness remained, feeling lost in the cold frost eyes feeling unwanted butterflies circling my stomach.

Not taking notice of what has happened, rubbing my hands over my face sitting on the grass regretting what I have done, hoping nobody has seen. Especially not Peter..

As I kissed Jack Frost tonight..

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