A moan escaped my mouth and Ryan was quick to devour it, the sound urging him to somehow set off flares of need all over my body.

My mind was a million miles away when my back hit the wall, unaware of the fact we'd even been moving. Too focused on the way that, despite the noticeable size difference between us, my body seemed to mold to his perfectly.

Ryan pulled back for a brief moment to gasp in a breath, allowing me the chance to do the same, and before long we were back at it again. His tongue stroked mine and I slung a leg around his waist. Which, damn, if I didn't know how much he wanted this, the hard outline of his cock between my thighs was a clear indication.

"Need this dress off of you," he growled, his lips trailing across my cheek before nipping at my ear.

"Then take it off."

No other encouragement was needed as his hands immediately dove underneath the skirt, pulling the fabric up as he traced over my curves, my stomach, my breasts, and finally my shoulders. The dress fell in a heap to the floor, and I could feel my heart race as he looked his fill.

Thank god I'd had the sense to wear a good bra.

Because while I knew Ryan was as into this moment as I was, there was a miniscule voice in my head that said he must've had better. As a single, famous hockey player, there was no way he hadn't sowed his wild oats with models, actresses, and puck bunnies that were likely a lot more toned than I was. But I couldn't fault him for that, and pushed the thought away almost immediately.

"I've got to say, I thought I liked white on you before," he said, tracing a finger slowly along my left collarbone and then down my bra strap, "but I like this a whole lot better than the dress."

"And that has nothing to do with me being nearly naked?" I mused.

"Oh, it has everything to do with that," he replied cheekily before urging my other leg around his waist and palming my ass with both hands. His mouth peppered kisses along my bare shoulder. "Now, if you could direct me to your bedroom, that'd be great, because what I have planned for you definitely requires a bed."

"What?" I giggled. "A wall isn't good enough?"

A sound similar to a growl escaped him as his teeth nipped at the skin of my neck. "Maybe next time."

Directing him down the hall to my bedroom, a startled laugh spilled from my lips when he set me down on the bed and I inched back towards the pillows with a shy smile. He didn't immediately join me though, as he grabbed the rear neck of his t-shirt and stripped it off, following suit with the shorts he wore. I felt an unmistakable flutter in my belly watching as he stood at the foot of the bed in only a pair of black boxer briefs. Ones that were tight enough to mold around his thick thighs and delectable ass while not at all hiding the fact he was extremely turned on.

He watched me stare with a little grin on his lips. "See something you like?"

Wide shoulders, toned arms, and a stomach that sported a six pack? Hell yeah I did.

I could hear my own shallow breaths as I nodded, not ashamed to be ogling him. After all, he must've worked hard in his career to keep up this type of physique, so why not praise him for it? "A lot. Though I'd like it even more if you weren't so far away."

In the blink of an eye, he'd crawled up the bed and was hovering over me with an arm on either side of me.

"This better?"

I curled my fingers into his hair as I pulled his lips down to mine. "Much."

While this kiss was slower and more sensual than the one in the entryway, it was just as hot. Especially as I felt one of Ryan's strong hand coast across the skin of my stomach before moving to my back and making quick work of unfastening my bra. The straps came down and the lace fabric disappeared, exposing my pebbled nipples between us for only a moment before Ryan's weight shifted and we were chest to chest with nothing in between.

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