Once they entered in the base, Natasha started shooting.
" What are you doing!We just lost the surprise element! "Clint shouted at Nat.
" Good. Now things with be faster. I will go to transfer the data, while you keep the soldiers busy. "Natasha ran to the control room.
" What! Did you just left me to fight a whole base! I will never shut up about this! "

After 20 minutes Clint's arms were tired from shooting arrows. The soldiers were still coming, no matter how many he shoot. Clint looked at his quiver. 1 arrow left and 20 soldiers. He was doomed.
" If my wife will become a widow, my ghost will hunt you forever Natasha!" he said and shoot his last arrow. Suddenly, a cloud of black smoke surrounded him and a hand dragged him.
"Miss me, Hawkguy." Natasha said.
"Since when do you do the reckless things and i am the responsable one!? "
"If you don't run faster, your new name will be Crispy. The bombs explode in 4 seconds."
"4 seco-!" Clint said, when the explosion started, throwing both Natasha and Clint outside the building.
"That was the worst mission we ever had!What did you think Natasha? Firing like that? "
She coughed "At least it was fast. Let's go to the jet."
When they arrived at the jet, Maria was surprised to see them with their clothes burned.
"What happened? Clint, what did you do!"
"Don't look at me! Natasha was the one who started firing and made is lose the surprise element!"
"Natasha?" Maria rised an eyebrow.
"We are not dead, so it went well." Natasha said and went to sit on a seat.
Maria started the jet and put it on autopilot. She took Clint in one of the jet's rooms so they could talk privately .
"Did she hit her head or something?"
"I don't know. She acted weird since yesterday. Nat said she is fine..... but i don't think she is. But you know what Nat thinks about hospitals and doctors. She won't agree to be checked."
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Natasha said, coming in the room.
"Talking about the mission. Can you give me the USB?"
Natasha reached into her pocket and her eyes widened.
"I forgot it."
"What do you mean you forgot it?" Maria said.
"I let the USB in the computer."
"You did.. what! I fought an army for that USB!" Clint shouted
"Sorry, ok! I'm sure there wasn't something important. General bad guy stuffs. Anyway, we have a USB and I'm sure Hydra has more bases. Problem solved." Natasha said and left the two alone.
"Did Natasha just forgot the whole purpose of the mission?" Maria said astonished.
"Now i am really worried about her.She's the real Natasha or... i don't know... since the Loki incident... maybe she's a clone?"
"Dont be stupid, Clint. I'm worried that it's possible for Natasha to have a health problem. And a serious one."
"We fought aliens, Maria.Dont exclude the possibility. But maybe you are right. Natasha never fails a mission and then reacts like nothing bad happened. How do we convince her to go to a medical check?"
"You are her best friend."
"That's not fair!I will need help."
"I have a plan." Maria said and exites the room. Natasha was sitting in the front seat, on her phone. Maria took the other front seat, deactivated the auto pilot and changed the course.
"Where are we going? We were almost at the Tower." Man said upset.
"Sorry, Nat. Fury called.He wasn't happy about the mission and decided that you and Barton need a medical check."
"What!No! " Natasha protested.
"Director's orders."
Clint put his hand on her shoulder. "Не волнуйся. Это не Красная комната. Ты в безопасности. Если доктор причинит тебе боль, я его так сильно побью! (Don't worry. This is not the Red Room. You are safe. If the doctor hurts you, i will beat him so bad! )
" Обещать старшего брата?(Promise big brother? )
" Обещаю, сестренка. (I promise, little sis.) "

At the SHIELD Headquarters, Fury waited for them.
" Romanoff, the doctor is waiting for you. "the director pointed at the door.
" Why can't be Clint first? "
" Miss Romanoff, are you ready for the medical check? "the doctor opened the door and Natasha followed him.
After the door closed, Fury started" So, why did Barton texted me to prepare the doctor to make a full medical check on Natasha and aslo to test if she is controlled by Loki or is a clone? "
" Natasha failed the mission, sir. "Clint explained.
" What?! "
" Exactly. She ruined our surprise element and then forget to take the USB. "Clint said.
" That's not her style. "
" This is why we asked for a medical check. "Maria said.
" Barton, do you think she is a clone? "
" Or controlled by Loki. That would explain why she was.. rushed . She told me she fired at the soldiers so the mission would be faster. "
" And was hurried to get to the Tower. She could collect information. "Maria pointed out.
" Let's wait for the doctor. "Fury said and took a seat in the waiting room.
After 50 minutes the doctor exited from the room. Maria, Clint and Fury came closer to him.
" Is Natasha okay, doctor? "Clint asked.
" She has some bruises, maybe from the explosion. Beside that, everything is perfect. Blood tests are good, the x-rays shows no broken or fractured bones, the dental record matches her old one... the ADN didn't changed... no sign of Loki's mind control and the fact that she is a clone. "the doctor closed her file.
" So she's alright? "Maria asked.
" Agent Romanoff is in perfect shape. "
" Then why did she acted so weird? She was hurrying to get at the Tower, destroyed the mission, forgot the USB... "Clint said.
" Sorry if i am too... indiscreet, but is Steve Rongers at the Tower? "the doctor tried not to laugh.
" Yeah. Why do you ask, doc? "Clint looked at him confused.
" Let's say that agent Romanoff was more cooperative when i let her stay on the phone while i was running the tests. She had quite a gallery of photos with Captain America. "
Clint eyes widened" This is why she was dancing with him this morning . I didn't thought it was.. that serious. "
" Natasha Romanoff is in love with Steve Rogers. "Maria said surprised.
" So, Barton, you put me to call a doctor just for a crush? "Fury said.
" She acted really weird. "
" Distracted and hurried to get to Steve. "Fury said.
" I never saw Tasha in love... i didn't knew it would be like that. "Clint said.
" Tell Romanoff to come tomorrow for a talk about her failure. Also bring the whole team. The Hydra missions become a Avenger threat level. "Fury left.
" You can tell Miss Romanoff to get out of the room. I dont think she observed i finished the tests. "the doctor left too.
Clint opened the door and saw Natasha sitting on the chair, looking on the phone.
" Thasa, let's go home. "
" It's over? Finally! "she said and almost ran to the jet.
When they arrived at the Tower, Natasha almost ran out the elevator,bumping into Tony.
" Speed down, Red. "
" Sorry. Do you know where is Steve? "
" I think he is at the gym. Why? "
" Thanks, Stark! "she said and ran to her room.
" What was that Clint? "Tony asked
" Natasha is in love with Steve. "
" No way! Natasha Romanoff? The Black Widow? In love?Wow. "
" Hey, what are you talking about?"Steve said. The two men were surprised because they didn't heard him coming.
" Nothing. "Tony said.
" About the fact that Fury wants to see as in the morning. Hydra became a Avengers threat level. "
" Always was. I told Fury to let us to solve the problem. "Steve said.
" Did you and Nat found something? "
" No. Tasha was.. distracted. "
" Natasha? Distracted? "
" I know. Weird. She rushed home to see a certain soldier. "Tony winked and smiled at Steve.
" I-i am going to my room. "Steve left the two friends behind.
He didn't liked how she didn't do her job because of him. The mission was important. He didn't knew Natasha would compromise her missions for him. He wanted to take it slowly. He didn't even asked her for a date. Steve thought about talking with Clint, Tony or Pepper for advice since all of them were married. Pepper would be more useful for advice since she is a girl.
When he opened his door, he could feel the heat in his cheeks and put his hand over his eyes. Natasha was staying on his bed, in a robe with a tray with two glasses and a bottle of wine.
"N-Nat....what are you doi-.... if your shower broke, s-sure y-you can use mine."
"Actually, i thought we could watch a movie togheter and relax, but we could do your idea together, Stevie. "
"I'll be back in a minute." Steve almost slammed the door. He panicked. He didn't even asked her to be his girlfriend. He backed away from the door, missing the stair rail and falling over,landing on the couch.
"Steve are you alright?" Clint asked worried.
Steve took Clint's and Tony's hand and ran to Pepper's room, kicking the door. Pepper jumped startled in her chair.
"What the fuck, Steve?"
He didn't answered and started patching back and forth.
"Natasha is in my room."
"Wow." Pepper said.
"In a robe."
All of them were silent.
"I'm not ready for that." Steve said, sitting on a chair.
"I think she likes you a lot. She was never that open about ber feelings." Clint said.
"What do i do?!Clint can i hide at your farm? "
"Or you could tell her you are not ready." Pepper suggested.
"But if you do, wear something bulletproof." Tony said.
Steve took a deep breath and went to his room. He opened the door and Natasha was waiting for him.
"That were 10 minutes, Stevie."
"Sorry,i needed time to think."
"It's okay. i can't be upset on you, Stevie." Natasha hugged him, but Steve broke the hug.
"Natasha, you are an amazing person, but everything is to fast for me. Could we slow down?"
"Of course. I will wait for you. When you're ready." Natasha whispered in his ear and then left to her room.

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