Chapter 3

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"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Amber spat at me as she pulled Travis' hands off my shoulders. Her face was red and her eyes were filled with the fury of a thousand suns.

Travis yanked his hands away and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. As nice as it was and believe me, it felt very nice, I just wanted to get away from the screeching girl in front of me. I shrugged out of Travis' hold and turned to walk towards the front door.

"Emma! Wait. Just wait, please." Travis called out as I ran quickly through the crowd watching our little drama unfold. I ignored him and made it to the door and was out running down the footpath before he could get to me. Jesus, I was such an idiot thinking that I could have this moment with Travis. Amber was never going to let him go, especially if he was going to be with me. I swiped tears off my face as I ducked around a corner and hid in the shadows as I heard footsteps racing up behind me. Travis ran past my hiding spot looking left and right as he ran. I shrank back even further. Part of me was ecstatic that he had come after me but another part (the realistic part) knew he was doing it because he's a nice guy and he would want to make me feel better. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to our group and let them know I was ok and heading home.

Evan: Come back! Everyone is worried.

West: Emma, don't let her ruin this. Travis likes you, not her!

Abby: Em, c'mon come back. We'll all go home with you.

Me: Guys, I'm fine. I'm nearly home and I've got an early start. Love you and talk later.

I put my phone to silent and continued my lonely trek home. As I headed up the pathway to my front door it was suddenly flung open and there stood my drunk mother in the light. She had a heap of bags at her feet and her face was full of unrelenting rage.

"Mum, what's going on? I thought you were out with friends?" my voice trembled as I spoke much to my dismay. I hated showing weakness to this woman.

"Well well well you've decided to come home. Probably trashed and been sleeping with as many boys as you can, right? You're nothing but a slutty little girl." The malevolence in her voice terrified me.

"What? Why are you saying this to me?" Again with tremble for fuck sake.

"Doesn't matter why. But I wont have it in my house and by it, I mean you. You think you're so grown up, well let's see how you go in the real world." At this she pushed all the bags out of the door and that was when I realised it was all my stuff from my room.

"Mum!" I cried as I tried to get through the door. "Where am I meant to go?"

"Don't care. Just go but make sure you send your share of the rent for the next month." With these words she shoved me away causing me to trip over the bags and hit the ground with a sickening thud. The door slammed and I was left outside. I always knew my mum didn't really like me but I never thought she would go this far. I had just turned 18 a few weeks ago so maybe I should have been expecting this. I was always going to leave once I'd graduated but that was still months away. What was I supposed to do in the meantime? Could I even get a place to rent? Did I have enough money? This day was just one big clusterfuck from beginning to end.

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