Chapter 1

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"Fuck! It's too hot for this shit." I complained to my best friend Evan. We were running through the creek and bush that surrounded our school. I hated Cross Country with every fibre of my 18 year old body. "Why do they do this to us? Seriously, I don't run for food so why would I want to run for fun?

Evan just laughed at me as she ran effortlessly next to me. "Stop whinging, you big baby. It's only 5k's and it's such a beautiful day."

Arrghhh , Evan has been so freaking happy since she hooked up with Jed. It's been all unicorns and what the fuck ever. I'm glad she's in a great relationship and is having fun but I can still do without all the lovey dovey stuff.

"Hey Ev, what are you doing tonight? Have you and Jed decided if you're going to Amber's party?" I had already made plans to go with our other friends West and Abby. I was really hoping Ev would be there because I always dealt with Amber better when I had her by my side. Amber was one of those girls. You know the ones that seem like nice girls but are really just evil incarnate. She did throw damn good parties though.

"Yeah, Jed and I are going to make an appearance and then head out to have some alone time. You need a lift?" Evan was still running without a care while she talked. The bitch.

"Ummm yeah maybe. I'll talk to the girls and see what they're doing, if we ever finish this race from hell. Fuck me, enough already!" I stopped and was ready to drop when all of sudden I heard,

"Miss Daniels, did I just hear you swear? What are the rules in this school?"

I turned and saw my Form class teacher, Mrs Janko, walking towards me. Great, this is just what I needed. First this stupid race and now a possible detention, because today just doesn't suck enough.

"No, Mrs Janko. I would never swear. Especially while on school grounds." I tried to smile innocently at her although the sweat dripping down my face ruined the effect a bit.

Luckily it seemed to work and she just glared at me before stomping off. I've never been her favourite student but nor am I her worst. I kept on trudging through the dust and kicked at the leaves and sticks in my way.

Evan was just ahead of me now laughing her fool head off. She turned to jog backwards just so she could make fun of me to my face. She's kind like that. The bitch.

"Oh my god, Emma, I thought you were in detention for sure. Oh no, Mrs Janko, I would never swear."

She tried to mimic me more but couldn't stop laughing long enough to be successful. I watched as she swung around and took off running faster knowing there was no chance I would be able to catch her. How far away was the damn finish line anyway? I started to think about what I would wear tonight to try and take my mind off how long this day was. I was deep in debate about jeans vs shorts when I heard my name being called out again.

"Emma, wait up."

I looked back to see Travis running up to me. Travis was running up to me. Travis. Ok ok, be cool Emma be cool.

"Hey. I'm glad I caught up to you. I thought you might have finished already." Travis slowed to a walk beside me. "I wanted ask if you were going to Amber's tonight?" He looked at me while he waited for me to answer.

"I, um, yeah, yeah I am. She always does a great party." I glanced at him but quickly looked away. I'm always scared my feelings will show if I look at him too long. I've lusted over this boy for the last two years but I hope I've been able to keep it hidden. He was going out with Amber for most of that time and there was no way I wanted her to know how I felt. They split up at the beginning of this year but no-one knows why. And believe me I did my very best to find out. But back to now. Why was he asking me what I was doing tonight? Even though we hung out in the same big group of friends we had never really talked much before. Maybe he liked one of my friends. Yeah, that makes sense. It's probably West. She was gorgeous and smart and totally likable. Strange name but it seems to suit her somehow.

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