"Don't worry. They're geniuses. They'll figure it out." Wanda reassures.

You sigh, a bit more relaxed, "You're right."

After you two talk for a while, Wanda suggests going outside for some fresh air. You agree, so you two go outside.

You love the fragrant smell of the multitude of flowers, the sweet harmonic chirping of birds, and the cool breeze flowing through your hair. It's exactly what you need right now.

"I love nature. Everything is absolutely gorgeous outside." You sigh in contentment.

"Indeed it is." Loki purrs.

You open your eyes. You see Loki standing a bit in front of you while Bucky walks towards you.

You grin at Loki, "I didn't see you there."

"Well, you did have your eyes closed, darling." Loki chuckles.

You laugh as well, and by now, Bucky has reached you. He pulls you into a big hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. What Tony said really worried me." Bucky admits.

You pull away from the hug with a massive smile. When you look over at Loki, you see a weird look on Loki's face, making you a tad confused.

Wanda beats you to speaking, "What's wrong, Loki?"


"Are you sure you're okay?" Wanda asks.

"Yes. It's nothing."

Your confusion turns to worry, "Something's wrong. Tell me."

"It's fine, Y/N," Loki assures.

You become even more worried, "You rarely, if ever, call me Y/N."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Loki laughs uncomfortably.

You shake your head with a sigh then go inside, heading to the lab. Wanda follows you into the lab to see Tony and Bruce looking over your test results. When they hear you, they look up at you with worry written all over their face.

"What's wrong?" You ask, now extremely concerned as well.

Tony walks towards you, "You might want to sit down..."

You take a deep breath and sit down alongside Wanda as Tony and Bruce sit across from you.

"You've been experimented on... by infinity stones," Tony reveals.

"What?!" You shout, jumping off the couch.

You start to levitate. Your magic starts to surround you. The gold magic turns to a vibrant red.

"Is she angry? It looks like she's angry." Tony comments.

You struggle to calm down, eventually calming down to the point where you return to the ground. Your magic turns back to gold before it dies down.

"I'm just so confused. How could my father do this? How did they give them to me?" You rapidly question.

"By getting the stones," Tony says with simplicity.

Everyone stays silent, thinking about how they obtained the stones.

You finally speak up, "It doesn't make sense. How would they get them?"

"They already had the mind stone because a bit later Wanda and Pietro were also being experimented on," Tony explains.

"You might have accidentally read his mind since you were experimented on by the mind stone."

You look over at Wanda, "I can do that?"

"I think so. You'll need some practice, but I'm sure you'll be able to do it." Wanda explains, "We can work on it after working a bit more on developing your magic."

"Anyway, back to the stones." Tony redirects back to the stone subject, "They also used the space stone. There's one other person in S.H.I.E.L.D. records who absorbed space stone energy. Her name is Carol Danvers, but your powers are different. You can open portals, but she can't, so she won't be any help. Besides, she's off-world."

You nod a bit, soaking up the information.

"But why would they do this?!" You yell.

"I might know..." Bucky mentions.

You turn to look at him. He's leaning against the door frame. He pushes himself off of the doorframe and walks into the room.

"They want soldiers, as you know from me, and your father may have had them try to make you an extreme super soldier," Bucky explains.

You stand in silence, processing the theory.

"...I can't believe he would turn me into his weapon!"

Your magic yet again turns bright red, surrounding you again.

"It's okay. I'm here." Bucky grabs your hand and winces, "I'm here..." He whispers shakily.

You begin to calm down but realize you're hurting Bucky.

"Bucky!" You yell, stopping your magic completely in an instant, "Did I hurt you?!"

Bucky smiles weakly, "I'll be okay."

You flip Bucky's hand over. It's completely burned, and the burns quickly continue traveling up his arm.

"What have I done?..." You mumble.

You hold his hand tight. A teardrop falls from your eye and lands on his hand. As soon as it makes contact, his hand starts healing completely.

Your eyes widen, "D-Did I do that?!"

"Yeah, you did! You helped me Y/N." Bucky beams.

You hug Bucky, soon pulling away, "Wait, but the stones don't give me my healing powers or my telepathy."

"Sorry, kiddo." Tony apologizes, "I don't know how to answer those questions."

"Oh..." You start worrying and pacing, "I don't understand this! I shouldn't even be alive!"

        Tony nods, "True."

You place your palm on your forehead as you shake your head, "My powers don't make sense!"

"Also true," Tony comments again.

You stop pacing and look over at Tony, "Is there anyone who can help me? I'm like Wanda but with the space stone. How am I supposed to strengthen my portals when nobody has the exact powers I have?"

You take a deep breath to stop from getting overwhelmed again.

"This is too much to take in... I need to think."

You run off to your room and shut the door.

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