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"Do you really think I'd hit on you?!"

Yoongi's deep voice echoed from the vast campus yard. The open space gathering more people besides his admirers to pry at the scandalous scene.

Taehyung bowed his head in shame and sees tears dropping on the freshly trimmed grass beneath his feet. He could feel the crowd judging him as Yoongi tore the letter he had brazenly wrote last night and threw the chocolates he made on the ground.

Almost none had tried to win Yoongi's affections because to him those people who did try only see him as a status of high quality and it angered him that someone dared to. If he was gonna get together with somebody, Yoongi's gonna do it himself.

Jimin peered into Yoongi's view and they gave each other stern looks. The older's apathetic stance all the more reason for Jimin to sharpen his gaze.

Jimin didn't have the heart to tell Taehyung about accepting Yoongi's request yesterday.

He was the one who after all, encouraged Taehyung to confess days before and got him humiliated in front of everyone. And now that he had seen his best friend again and was sitting unsuspectingly in front of him, Jimin started having second thoughts on being friends with Yoongi.

However, the offer was oddly very tempting and Yoongi looked very convincing for Jimin to not be drawn to it.

"Is something wrong?" Taehyung seems to notice the peculiarity in Jimin's behavior as he brought out his homemade chocolates for the boy to try.

Normally, his friend would be excited to eat some sweets while complaining on how the Min Yoongi would be brought up everytime Sunghoon was in his class (who now they knew was head of Yoongi's fanclub). But since the male was currently out of school, Jimin should at least be excited for dessert.

"Is Yoongi giving you a hard time?" He spoke through the chatters inside the cafeteria.

Jimin flinched at the mention of Yoongi. Taehyung presumed that Jimin had been thinking way to deep for him to be surprised even just by his soft voice.

"Umm, y-yeah..." Jimin stuttered and trailed off before widening his eyes. "I mean no!" He quickly corrects himself, Taehyung giving him a skeptical glance.

"He's just very bossy but other than that, he hasn't tried to get back at me...yet." Jimin says, unsure on the last part.

Taehyung seems to be convinced and opened one of the containers to show kitty-shaped chocolates. It looked like the male has gone all out after not being able to feed Jimin of his specialty yesterday.

Jimin gasped but not loud enough for Taehyung to hear. The shape leads his mind to wander off to a certain male that had reminded him of the adorable creature. Yoongi's teasing and playful gaze lingering for a while.

"W-why kittens?"

"Cuz' they're so cute!" Taehyung squealed quietly. "Don't you think so?"

Jimin nodded curtly, inwardly embarrassed of the person that came to his mind as he agreed with his best friend. He was about to have a bite when his phone rang. Jimin almost dropped it after seeing the audacious caller's nickname on his phone.

The boy asked for Taehyung's permission first before frantically going outside the room to take the call. Taehyung watched as Jimin left the cafeteria looking so hysterical. The empty seat across was quickly occupied by someone else. Someone who was with him the whole day yesterday and made sure he didn't feel alone even with Jimin's absence.

"Those look yummy, did Jimin not like it?" The boy points to the sweets and Taehyung sighs. Of course Jungkook would notice the chocolates first. He smiles in defeat and let the younger have them.


Yoongi dismisses one of their maids silently before hearing a 'hello' from the other side of his phone. He smiles involuntarily at the voice while staring at the device on speaker mode.

"How's my friend doing?"

The older hears a chuckle.

"Shouldn't I be the one checking on you?" Jimin answers from the other line.

"Can't a guy randomly check on his friend?"


Yoongi laughs, hoping he had made Jimin blush even just by using a cordial term. Although he's pretty confident that the younger's already painted in red.

"You coming tonight?"

"Yeah, sure." Jimin pretends to be nonchalant. Hiding the fact that he's actually looking forward to spending time with Yoongi. What can he say, the older's kind of amusing.

"Don't trip on your way here." The other boy teased. Jimin cracks. Yoongi should stop exaggerating things.

"I won't." Jimin challenged. "Need anything else?" He adds, feeling it to be obligatory. Yoongi wished it was out of concern.

"I would say you but then you might hang up on me so no."

"You do realize I'm still gonna have to hang up so I could finish lunch, right?" Jimin deadpans, biting his lower lip to suppress a large smile.

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