Chapter 02

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Hey Guys! So Sorry, It took me forever to update. Had to study and plus I didn't have time. But I did right little by little every couple of days. I'm sorry if you don't like this chapter. Please leave feedback. Thanks for all the comments. Hehe, Well I should stop talking. Continue! This is the Second Chapter of the Direction Academy. Love you all. Have a Great Day or Morning. Or whatever time your reading this.


I rolled my eyes. I really have to use the bathroom though! I glared at him, I didn't want to be locked in a closet with Harry. No offense.. Call me a directionator but I only like Niall. I find him adorable and my least favorite is Harry. I banged my head on the wall wondering when I was going to get out of here. It was quite obvious that the paparazzi are going to be staying here for a while.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?" I ask, getting really annoyed.

"I find you really cute." He smirked.

"Thanks, but I'm not interested." I say.  "When can I get out of here?"

I looked at my phone. It beeped. Must be one of the girls. They must be wondering where I am. If I tell them I'm with Harry. Sophie would flip. She likes Harry.

Taylor: Emma! Where are you. Since when does it take 15 minutes to use the bathroom?

Me: I didn't even get to use it! Because I'm trapped in a closet.

Taylor: Trapped in a closet? Are you with someone..?

Me: Sort of..Its kind of hard to explain.

Taylor: Just tell me! I won't tell.

I starred at Harry. I didn't want to tell Taylor I was stuck in a closet with him. She would just tease me about it and plus I would be everywhere on the news and be called the new Mrs. Styles. I put my phone back inside my pocket. I wasn't going to be getting out of here anytime soon. 

"Why do you keep staring at me?" He ask.

"Well.. I'm stuck in a closet with you and I have to use the BATHROOM!" I shouted. I felt like I was going to have an accident. I have been holding it in ever since auditioning.

"Do you know how much girls would kill to be stuck in a closet with me?" He says. I crossed my arms.

"Well unfortunately I'm not one of them." I say glaring at him.

"What's your problem?" He questions rolling his eyes. Not only did I have to use the bathroom but I want to strangle him. 

"I'm sorry. Its just-- I have to use the bathroom and I really have to go." I explained to him.

"Well there is a bucket behind you. Why don't you use that.." He laughed. I made a disgusted face. I'm not using a bucket as a bathroom. And I was definately not using it in front of him.

Taylor: Tell me! Or else....

Me: Fine! I'm in a closet with Harry.. Styles. But please don't tell the rest of the girls especially Sophie.

Taylor: Fine I wont tell them. Do you want me to get you out of there?

Me: Yes!! Please!!

~  Later On ~

We were all at Taylor's house, and were waiting for Simon to call us. It's been an hour and I was already getting worried. Mainly, because I didn't have a Plan 'B'. The only school I have ever thought of going to was this. Befote that commerical about the school. I never really knew what school to apply to. I know what your thinking. Why are you applying for a High School anyways. Well for your information, the High School we use to go to, was on fire.

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