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John's POV

It's been almost two weeks since Sherlock went to the hospital.

I haven't gotten out of the flat since then. I barely eat, I barely sleep, I barely talk, I just stay in Sherlock's room.

Mrs. Hudson try's to get me to eat real food, but I just can't. I can tell how worried she is.

I hear the front door unlock, and perk up a bit.

You know It's not Sherlock, so why bother.

The Footsteps stop at the door. The guest hesitates before knocking softly on the door.

I make no sound, but they open the door.

"M-Mycroft?" I stutter out, "Why are you here?" My voice is soft with the lack of use.

"Hello John." Mycroft says, "Would you like to visit sherlock?"

I sigh, "sure, are we leaving now?"

"That would be best," Mycroft states.

---at the hospital---

It turns out to be six-thirty in the morning, and visiting hours don't start until seven. Great.

I sit down in the waiting area and lean my head against the wall.

and for once in a long time, I find sleep.

Barriers (Sherlock)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora