Bitter-Sweet Moments Cont'd

Start from the beginning

"Oh man." Wyatt replied, looking down at Addison. "When you said he got worse, you really meant he got worse, Bree. And the doctors haven't told you anything?"

"Nothing." Bree replied sadly, looking towards Zed's door. "People have gone in, but no one has come out."

Wyatt sighed. "Well eventually someone has to, right? So let's just focus on what we can control right now."

Bree nodded as Wyatt looked down at Addison. That's when he noticed something odd. The moonstone around her neck was flickering rapidly.

"Addison." Wyatt said calmly, not wanting to alarm her. "Look at me a moment."

Addison looked up at him. Her eyes were flickering rapidly between glowing yellow and her normal blue. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No." Wyatt lied as he released his hold on Addison and helped her sit down in a nearby chair before sitting beside her. "But you need to calm down. Let's get you cleaned up and take a few deep breaths okay?"

Bree dug around in her purse then pulled out a pack of tissues, handing then to Addison. "Here Addy."

"Thanks." Addison sniffled, taking the pack of tissues and pulling some out to clean herself up.

Addison wiped her face, her hands trembling from all the emotions she was feeling. She leaned back in the chair and took a few deep breaths  before looking over at Wyatt. He watched as the flickering in her moonstone and eyes slowed down with each breath. Once it had stopped completely, he sighed in relief.  "Thank goodness."

"Thank goodness for what?" Addison asked in confusion.

"That you calmed down." Wyatt replied. "Your eyes and moonstone were flickering between glowing and not glowing. You were so stressed out that you were stressing the baby. I know you're worried Addison, but you have to think about your welfare and the welfare of your baby."

Addison nodded, placing a hand on her stomach before meeting his gaze. "How do you know the baby was stressed out?"

Wyatt ran a hand through his hair. "When a wolf is pregnant, their moonstone is not only connected to their thoughts and emotions, but the baby's as well. When you were really upset, your eyes and moonstone were flickering between glowing and not glowing. That's the baby's way of showing you that they are getting stressed out. You have to be careful Addison. Too much stress is bad for you and the baby."

"I'm sorry." Addison whispered. "I'm just scared Wyatt. I don't want to lose Zed."

Wyatt wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I know, and it's okay to be concerned, you just can't get so worked up."

Addison nodded. "I'll try to remember that."

"Mrs. Necrodopolis?"

The three of them looked up to see a doctor standing in front of them. Addison immediately straightened up in her chair and faced him. "Yes? What happened in there? Is my husband okay?"

The doctor's face remained serious as he spoke to them. "We lost your husband's heart beat for a period of time. We initiated resuscitation procedures and determined that it was caused by a blood clot that got stuck in his heart. We gave him medication to dissolve the clot and continued resuscitation until his heart beat was back at a steady rhythm. He is stable now, but only time will tell if there is any permanent damage."

"How did he get a blood clot?" Addison asked.

"He's been comatose for two months." The doctor explained. "The lack of movement slowed his circulation, combined with his low resting heart rate due to being a zombie, it created the perfect conditions for a clot to form. Not to worry though, we've started him on a blood thinner to prevent any more clots from forming."

"If you knew this could happen why didn't you start him in a blood thinner earlier as a preventative?" Addison asked.

"We were waiting for his injuries and surgical incisions to heal so that the blood thinner wouldn't cause him to bleed out." The doctor explained. "We also miscalculated that being a Zombie would make him more susceptible to forming blood clots."

"You miscalculated?" Addison snapped. "Zed could have died! You should have been monitoring him more closely!"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Necrodopolis." The doctor replied. "We are not used to having Zombie patients here. We are all doing the best we can with the knowledge we have."

Addison stood up, glaring at the doctor. "Well study harder, or get someone up here who knows what they are doing, because I'm don't want my husband's life to be put at stake again."

With that Addison stormed off towards Zed's room, not bothering to hear the doctor's response.

Wyatt and Bree shared a look before following after her. When they reached the door they found Addison already sitting at Zed's side, holding his hand.

"You okay?" Wyatt asked.

Addison nodded as she pulled out her phone. "Yeah, I'm better now that I got to see Zed."

"You look better." Wyatt agreed.

Addison hummed in response before looking down at her phone screen. Her eyes wandered over the screen before widening. "Uh oh."

"Uh oh?" Wyatt echoed. "What's an uh oh?"

Addison looked up and met his gaze. "Bucky's parents are coming to town and they want to meet Ziva, but they don't know she's a zombie."

Wyatt and Bree shared a knowing look. There was only one thing to say.

"Uh oh."

Author's Note

Need sleep. Enjoy chapter and for my Miraculous fans, enjoy this funny pic. I have Miitopia for my switch and I made all my people characters from Miraculous. Marinette gave Adrien a ring, which he loved, then what followed was hysterical. Just see for yourself:

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