boredom, cigarettes, and tattoos

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By this time, I have moved back to the seat behind my favorite criminal and began taking out my inks and needles as he lights his boot on fire and leans in with a cigarette in his mouth, lighting it. Claire is daydreaming, biting her lip in the process, this, catches the attention of Brian. He shifts his pants and puts his hat on his lap to conceal his... problem. Andrew plays with his sweatshirts blue drawstrings. My best friend is wrapping a thread from her sweater around her finger and cutting off the circulation. Bender puts out the growing flame on his shoe and starts to play air guitar. while time passes at an alarmingly slow rate we keep ourselves busy. Drawing, finger football tattooing smoking daydreaming until everything becomes slower and everyone eventually falls asleep except Cherry, who is still tattooing a snake on her thigh, over a faded cigarette burn scar. Mr. Vernon walks into the library to the sight of all but one of the kids asleep.

"Wake up!!" No response. " Who has to go to the lavatory?" again, everyone but one, responds, raising their hands tiredly.

-time skip-

Andrew is stretching against the rail while Bender tears page out of a book and throw them around the room.

"That's real intelligent," Andrew says.

"You're's wrong to destroy literature..." as he continues to tear the pages out of the book. "It's such fun to read...and, Molet pumps my nads!"

"Molière." claire and I correct him. Though her voice is flirtatious, she twirls her short hair between her fingers. I'm still hunched over, my leg up on the table as I finish the snake on my calf. Let's just say, the pose was not attractive, and, had he looked just a little bit closer, he would have seen my underwear from under my skirt.

"I love his work." brian interrupts Bender's stare at me. He tosses the rest of the pages at Brian. Then, he picks up the card catalog drawer and begins to take the cards out.

"Big deal...nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy..." he sighs.

"Speak for yourself," Andrew scoffs.

"Do you think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language!" Andrew turns to Claire and me.

"Hey, you grounded tonight?" Claire shrugs in response.

" I don't know, my mom said I was but my dad told me to just blow her off," said she. I just stay quiet.

"Big party at Stubbies, parents are in Europe. Should be pretty wild... what about you cherry." I take a glance at Bender.

"I'm not a party person. sorry."

"A party?" Claire asks the athlete.

"Yeah, can you go?" he answers

"I doubt it..." the girl sighs

"How come?"

" Well 'cause if I do what my mother tells me not to do, it's because my father says it's okay. There's like this whole big monster deal, it's endless and it's a total drag. It's like any minute... divorce..." she says as if she was bored with the subject.

"Who do you like better?" I ask.


"You like your old man better than your mom?" Bender says.

"They're both strict."

"No, we mean, if you had to choose between them." I correct her.

"I dunno, I'd probably go live with my brother. I mean, I don't think either one of them gives a shit about's like they use me just to get back at each other." Suddenly, from the back of the room. Allison speaks for the first time since we got here.

"Ha!!!" she yells. Everyone, besides me, looks at her shocked. Allison blows her hair out of her eyes and grins.

"Shut up!" the princess yells.

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