Taeyong smiled while giving her a swift wave, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Her eyes lit up seeing his smile, a smile she hadn't seen in a while. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." Holding up his smile, he looked down at her feet, cracking up, "Cute socks."


"Thanks..." She managed to cough out, slightly embarrassed. She somehow forgot she was wearing the most attention-grabbing pair of socks she'd ever own.

At least it was just the socks, for the most part she was dressed pretty decent. Black leggings and an oversized sweater was not enough to make her go back up and change.

She quickly switched the subject, "So um, do you want to come inside?"

He nodded, slipping inside the toasty house. Yeona closed the door and followed Taeyong already making his way towards the living room, sitting down on their plush sofa.

Yeona caught a glimpse of Jeno passing by in the kitchen, giving various expressions her way. Sending the same amount back, she quietly sat down on the single seat across her friend.

"So, how you've been?" Taeyong spoke first, trying to move past the awkward atmosphere that lingered in the room.

"I've been fine." She smiled, signalling that it was okay to be comfortable around her.

He paused for a second before asking, "Does... he know?"

She shook her head, knowing he was referring to Jeno, "No I don't think so... well, he might have heard from the others. He hasn't questioned me about it, probably knowing it might make me uncomfortable. But I'm guessing he does seeing that he hasn't left me alone since I came home for the break. He doesn't even want to go out with his friends and would rather watch movies with me, unfortunately."

Taeyong grinned, seeing her typical sarcasm back couldn't stop him from smiling. He noticed a small band-aid on her arm instead of the larger gauze from weeks earlier, she must've healed faster than he expected. "You haven't been writing much in the group chat lately. We already removed them from the chat a long time ago."

"I know, they have nothing to do with it. I just don't really know what to talk about." Yeona shrugged, "I like lurking around, plus I can't keep up with Ten and Johnny's constant flirting. But don't worry, soon enough I'll join in on the conversation."

He felt content hearing that. "Are you able to go outside? Would you be fine for a few hours?"

"Yeah, I don't mind going out now. Grocery shopping with my mother helped a lot." She laughed to herself, it was much easier getting back to her normal routine with her mother distracting her everyday. "I just haven't found an opportunity to go out for a while now, for other things besides the supermarket of course."

"Great!" He said almost too enthusiastically. Taeyong straightens himself up and leans towards her, "Then I was wondering if you'd like to be my date to my sister's wedding this weekend?"

That was the last thing she expected to hear.

Yeona was speechless by the sudden question. She honestly forgot that the wedding was this Saturday, in other words four days. Not to mention that his sister's wedding was pretty much a big deal, and you don't just ask anyone to be someone's date to a wedding, unless it meant something.

Yeona started to panic, "Oh... Um... You see... Uh I'm—"

"Yes! She says yes!" Jeno shouted in joy. He popped his head out of the kitchen, startling the two.

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