Chapter 1

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Y/n's Pov:

I scrolled through my emails, seeing no reply to my offer. Starting my music and college career as well as moving from (Hometown name) to Japan was expensive.

"Dammit, Mina. I thought you said you found someone who needed to move"

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I need a roommate and I need a roommate fast, courses start in a week and I have no job.

I was about to close my laptop when I got a notification from my email. I clicked it and saw that someone was interested in my offer.

I thanked the universe that someone was interested. I read the name: Izuku Midoriya.

I clicked on the link and it took me to the profile, showing me a message that he had written.

'Hi! I'm in desperate need of a place to live, may I see the apartment?'

Living with a boy is something that my parent's definitely wouldn't agree with. Especially my dad and older brother's.

My oldest brother just opened his law firm. My second oldest brother is a certified doctor and my third oldest brother is one of the best surgeons out there.

Guess my parents surprise when they realized I wanted to become an R&B singer/ rapper. They told me that music wasn't going to put food on the table and refused to help reach my full potential, leaving that for me to do on my own.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 8 o' clock in the morning. I'm not much of a morning person, but I do have to look for a job.

I quickly showered and dressed in my professional clothing. I slicked my thick curly hair into a bun and swooped my edges.

I added light makeup to my face such as lipgloss and stroked my eyelashes with mascara to make them look thicker. I put in my earrings and placed my bracelets on my wrists.

I put my gold chain on, put on my rings, I turned to look at myself in the mirror and winked. With the spritz of my most expensive perfume.

I grabbed my purse and made sure everything was in the right place.

"Phone. Check. Wallet. Check. Resume. Check. Keys...Fuck!", I looked around for my keys.

I finally spotted them on the kitchen counter and huffed.

"Keys. Check...", I couldn't help but think I was missing something.

I thought for a minute before I rushed into my bedroom, grabbed my song book and laptop. I grabbed a pen and placed everything into my bag.

"Let's start this full day of interviews and looking for jobs", I said as I walked through the door.

I was out the door by 9 o' clock. I went to different jobs to figure out what I'm interested in.

I looked near the University I was going to be attending and saw a small cafe. It was cute and had a homey feeling to it.

I walked in and was greeted with the aroma of fresh coffee and sweets. I went straight to the cashier and asked for the hiring manager.

"Hi! Can I speak to your hiring manager, please?", I asked.

The cashier nodded with a small smile and walked into the back. A few minutes later she came out with an older woman.

"How can I help you?", The old woman asked.

"I would like a job application", I smiled.

The old woman motioned to the cashier to hand me an application.

"Come back tomorrow with all of this filled in correctly", The old woman stated before she began to walk away.

"Wait! Ma'am! What is your name?", I asked, placing the application in my bag.

"You can call me 'Ms. Yoo'", Ms. Yoo said before walking back into the back.

"Thank you!", I called as I walked out of the cafe.

While walking home, I thought of this man who'd be my roommate. I've never lived alone with male beings without another woman living in the house, like my family.

The name of my aspirant roommate didn't sound too bad, but for some reason the way he texted gave me friendly vibes. It was getting late, so I plugged in my Airpods and played Money by Cardi B.

"I was born to flex", I bopped as I continued my way home.

As I did so some petty Villain ran my way with a bag full of cash. He pushed me out of his way causing me to fall, but before I did someone caught me.

"Shoto go on! I'll catch up!", The person said with a slightly deep voice.

I almost shivered. Deep voices are so hot.

"Are you alright, ma'am?", He asked, helping me on my feet.

I nodded as I looked at him taking in his features. The man had curly green hair and freckles spread on his cheeks.

He had to be at least 6'5 because of how tall he was compared to my 5'4/ 5'5 built ass. I practically had to break my neck in order to look into his beautiful green eyes.

"I'm fine and you have some very pretty eyes", I said with a smile.

"Th-Thank you", The tall man with curly green hair stuttered as a blush spread on his face.


"Well, I'll let you be on your way. Don't want to keep that other hero waiting", I said.

"R-right! Have a good night!", He called as he activated his power.

"You too!", I called after him as he ran with green lightning spreading across his body.


Hope you enjoyed this first chapter!

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