➭Chapter 20: Epilogue

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They were all here, together after all this time. The Safe Haven was finally a completed home, despite all the lost ones. It was being a hard path towards finally feeling completely safe in there, secured from the outside but especially from their messed up minds. Fear continued to chase them, and it would be a while before they could get rid of it. All that year as a WCKD prisoner, exposed to numerous tortures before they could have their dreamed rescue. Newt didn't used to believe there was a happy ending, but in fact he used to wait for it, and not actually try to create it. This was their happy ending, it didn't need to be perfect. Perfection was overrated.

Some of them were still a little bit traumatized, some more than others, but they knew that in this place there was a chance for everyone. From the ones who used to have a completely different mentality, to the ones who were willed to end it all sooner.

This won war was so they could feel what it was like to live.


After a good talk Newt helped Thomas walk back to their hut, so he could have a nap and recover completely from the previous crisis.

The truth of their new life was that not everything was rainbows and sunshine, there were still downs on their new routine. The forced escape from WCKD didn't allow Ava Paige to help Thomas a hundred percent, and the main cause of his episodes was still unknown. However, Newt remembered something she had explained to him before everything changed, and it was that maybe no scan would determinate his problem, because it was probably that months of simulations left a scar in some part of his brain, too little to be noticed.

They made it here but at a cost. A cost Thomas didn't deserve, but had to support anyways. Just another reminder of WCKD and Randall specifically. The little amount of doctors they could bring here worked to help him with something inside their range of resources, but they can't really cure it. Fortunately they could come up with something to decrease the seizures, at the point Thomas wouldn't tremble or go rigid all of sudden, but just get lost in an indefinite point, stare at nothing in the world with unfocused eyes, and then come back from his absence like nothing happened after a minute or so.

They'd learnt how to live with it now, Newt tried so hard to hide his pounding heart, or his tight chest every time he saw him in that state, but they usually came with anticipation, like earlier that day. He loved him so much to watch him suffer.

The first couple of weeks here hadn't arrived well for neither of them, their minds still wrapped inside the paranoiac circle WCKD caused them. Nightmares tormented their nights, panic attacks during the day. Newt had found himself holding Thomas too tight against his chest, as the brunet struggled to breathe or choke in his own tears, and he also found himself holding onto Thomas, in search of his safest place in the world.

He had never thought he would love someone like that after forgetting completely his family. He enjoyed every detail of him, and wanted to keep those moments for himself.

That's why he was now staring at him, sat on the side of the bed as he watched how he took out his jacket, consumed by a hidden exhaustion. He knew Thomas was aware at the eyes focused on him, but brushed it off by placing himself further in the bed and resting his back on the wooden wall, not completely laid down yet.

"I happened again, did it?" Newt tried not to be too upset at the statement, so instead he walked to the bed and decided to lay down next to him.

"Don't think about it, you were fine" He smiled reassuringly, shifting to rest his head on his chest, while Thomas began to draw random patterns on his bicep after placing his arm around him.

"Today was a really good day"

"It still is, Tommy" He mumbled, feeling how Thomas began to slowly fall asleep, and following his steps after that.

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