➭ Chapter 5: Clarity

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"'Cause you are the piece of me
I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly,
Still fight and I don't know why"

Clarity – Zedd


It didn't want to stop. They wouldn't let him take a break, catch his breath. No, it was day after day, the same torturous routine.

It's been two weeks, or ten days, Thomas didn't even know anymore. He lost track of time at the third day, having several other things to pay attention to. What he knew was that they didn't seem to want to stop any time soon. He feels constantly light headed now, his arms were adorned with quite a few bruises and a couple of band aids, his form was skinnier since he was being provided with only two meals a day. All the muscle he had won in the last year is now gone, instead there is pale skin.

Randall wouldn't let him see Newt before the beginning of the blood draining, and he didn't split a word about his condition, or if there was an improvement. Thomas felt blind, and helpless despite being drained to basically save the world. His mind always wondered about Newt, and his mind wanted to see him awake, talking to him, walking, and smiling.

Ava made her appearance some days and assured him Newt was alive, and others Thomas didn't hear anything about her. He wasn't in charge of him, so she didn't have anything to do in his laboratory, so he guessed she was just monitoring Newt. It was fine, he preferred that.

It was passed the two weeks mark when something finally happened.

He was finishing his dinner after a long day, he opted not to take a shower because he simply didn't have the strength. They delighted him with a tasteless egg salad he was literally forcing into his throat today. There was a soft knock before the door was slowly opened and Thomas couldn't help but frown when he spotted Dr. Paige's small form on the other side. She wheeled herself inside and closed the door behind, delicately as if she was trying not to make a sound. Thomas didn't have any other choice but made her some place in the room.

"Hello, Thomas" She spoke up with a completely neutral tone.

Thomas nodded and tried showing her a small smile that didn't completely reach his eyes and ended being totally awkward. Instead, he answered.

"Um, hi"

"I wanted to talk to you. It's been a while" She positioned in front of him, dressed in white as usual. "I thought you would be interested since it is about your friend."

Thomas immediately straightened himself on his spot in the bed, he leaned over and placed his elbows on his knees to hear well.

"What is it? Is he okay?"

"He is fine, better in fact. Randall didn't want to inform you but we've seen a progressive improvement a couple of days ago, his vitals are stronger, and he responded to stimuli so we ran tests and the brain activity is constant. The serum seemed to have destroyed all the virus, without damaging the brain itself as we feared"

Thomas let out a sight he didn't know he was holding. He felt one of those families receiving good news in a hospital waiting room, and he wondered if he had ever been in a hospital outside WCKD headquarters. The most important thing was that Newt was okay, and getting better every day. He felt alive again, but not completely until he could see him awake.

"C-can uh, can I..." He struggled to get the words out.

"Do you want to see him?" He nodded quickly, as a child about to receive a candy, "I can take you to him now, it has to be quick and we need to stay quiet, okay?" Ava offered, her face was threatening a smile, but she stayed professional.

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