➭Chapter 9: Got it in you

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"Holding back the flood in this skyscraper town
You gave all that sweat and blood
Now you think you're gonna drown
You can't tell that you're bigger than the sea that you're sinking in
And you don't know what you got
But you got it at your fingertips"
Got it in you – BANNERS


Eventually they had to come down again, making that tiring route again, but now with something new inside their hearts. A new feeling they were starting to experiment both of them, and they welcomed it with open arms. It was the only kind of test they liked currently. Like a life test that made its way into their life to change it for good, to get rid of a couple of fears attached to the soul and to make a step forward.

Thomas' brain now buzzed with excitement, his body vibrating euphorically, electricity coursing through his veins. Newt's kiss did something to him, something good. His system felt good on the inside, as if t got what it needed to be full.

Newt led him back to his room, the trip had been quite short, but it was worth every second of it. Now it was time to go back before someone notice their disappearances, or else it wouldn't be good.

However, Thomas wasn't thinking about that now, the last thing he cared was of the stupid WCKD workers, always ruining their lives. WCKD was the last thing on his thoughts and he wanted to enjoy that fact.

The hallways had taken darker vibes. For a second Thomas thought it was way colder than it was before they left and shivered despite the jacket he had on. The weak light bulbs suddenly weren't of much help, and it was everything so empty. Thomas knew this had to be because of the fact that the night had ended for Newt and him, and they weren't going to see each other until other twenty-four hours. He always got this feelings when this happened. It was..... Depressing.

They finally reached Thomas' floor, and walked through the hallways. But something startled the both of them. Something was different. Something was wrong.

A bustle echoed in the distance, and they immediately guessed it was coming from the direction of Thomas' bedroom. The blond and the brunet stopped tracks and looked at each other. Their expression was of pure fear, they could hear yelling and scolding far way, and knew that if they began to walk towards their destination they would be louder and louder.

"What do we do?" Newt whispered, his voice slightly trembling.

Thomas looked left and right, founding nothing more than grey stone, nothing more than a hallway. If they were looking for him, they would be probably looking for Newt as well, so he had to act fast. He found anything that could be helpful around them, and his eyes landed on the indoor stairs from where they came. Besides them there was another small metal door, and it had something written on it. Thomas focused his sight as much as he could and read.


His eyes cleared and grabbed Newt by the blond's forearm, with no intention to be too rough, just to tell him to move fast.

"Come on, this way" He ordered before he started to walk fast towards the door. Newt walked next to him, every couple of seconds looking back in case someone was following them.

Thomas led Newt inside the door, which thankfully was unlocked. Inside there were rags and dusters that probably belonged to the janitor. It was a tiny room, and it couldn't possibly hide them for too long, someone would notice it eventually. Thomas bit the inside of his cheek nervously, and examined the room. There was nothing they could use for help, just brooms and mops. The air reeked of sanitizer.

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