Broken Ankle's And Broken Promise's

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                                                                               (Y/N) POV

                                                            ⚠️ Trigger Warning(s): None⚠️

The last thing I remember before waking up with a broken ankle was falling. Falling long and waiting for the pain hit me but it never came.

When I woke up, Oma-kuns face, looking over me, practically touching my forehead, was the first thing I saw.

I gasped and shot up, almost knocking Oma-kun off his feet.

"Heeey! You almost made me fall N/N-chan!"

"N-N/N?" I asked

All of a sudden, I became conscious of a piercing pain in my right ankle.

I looked down at it, and saw that my ankle looked like a plum.

It was dull purple, and swollen and round.

Oma-kun caught my glance and said,

"Oh yeah. You broke your ankle after that last fall. Tojo-San thinks you'll be alright...probably."

Very reassuring, I thought to myself, bitterly

"C'mon everybody, let's go back in! I'm sure we can do it this time!" Akamatsu-Chan said encouragingly

Kokichi's face hardened at her words and he got up and turned his gaze to the group, making sure they couldn't see his eyes.

"No." he said

Akamatu-chan's head tilted like a confused puppy.


"I said no. Don't you see? We're not going again. You're basically forcing us through a death trap that we can't win. None of us want to go. It's cruel forcing us to go again."


 "We're all scraped up. L/N-chan's ankle is even broken. We're not going in there just to get hurt again. So no."

Akamatsu-chan looked slightly hurt

"You guys are just going to give up?" she asked, her eyes darting around the group

"Um...M-maybe Oma-kuns r-right..." I said quietly "Bu-bu-but m-maybe we can tr-try again another d-d-day?" I added quickly

"See? Even L/N-chan thinks so."

He held out a hand for me, and I took it hesitantly.

He swung his arm around my waist and I tensed up before I realized that he was just trying to support my broken ankle so I could walk. Hesitantly I leaned into him, accepting his help.

"My and L/N-chan are leaving. Tell us when you finally give up."


We walked in silence back to the school before I quietly said,

"Thank y-you..."

He stopped and turned to look at me, his head tilted.

"What for N/N-chan?"

I felt my face flush red at the nickname, but ignored it.

"F-for getting m-me out th-there!"

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