~ Chapter Seven

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Grabbing my bag and jacket I left Nico's home without saying anything. When outside I walked to the first metro station I saw and took the metro back to Alexanderplatz.

Confused I closed the door of my apartment and sat down on the couch. Seriously I had no idea what to do with the story Nico told me about Moritz.

A few minutes later Lennon walked in the living room and asked me:
"You home so early already? How was your first day?"
"Where to start." I sighed.

I told Lennon everything Nico told me. She looked at me with big eyes. Yes, this was the moment she would get hysterical again in one, two and three.
"HANNAH! Why didn't you believe him? He might be right about it!"
"I learnt not to trust people I just have met!"
"Oh my god, you're so old fashioned. I don't believe that Nico has bad intentions with this and he did that to protect you."
"Maybe you're right or maybe not. I'll be in my room if you need me."

Annoyed I got up from the couch and walked into my room. After I closed the door I sat down on my bed and took my phone. Wondering if I could find any dirt on Moritz on Google. I scrolled from another webpage to another. Unfortunately I didn't find anything bad on him. He only did great and amazing things in the German music industry. Angry I threw my phone in the corner of my bed. Hours has passed when I was searching on the internet. It became dark already outside. It was time to get ready for bed.

When I laid down in bed my phone vibrated. I took my phone from the corner where I had thrown it.

Nicosantosofficial has send you a message on Instagram.

Him again? What could he possibly want around this time?

[00:58 nicosantosofficial] Hey Hannah,
Since I don't have your phone number I'll do it through Instagram. I just wanted to be sure that you're doing alright. After you left in such a hurry this afternoon.
X Nico

Go to sleep Nico I thought. When I just had put my phone away it vibrated again. Good lord what does he want now?

[01:03 nicosantosofficial] Since I know you won't reply on this. I expect you tomorrow to be present in the studio at 09:00. Have a good night ☺️.
X Nico

Time to sleep then if he expects me so early. I thought musicians always slept until the afternoon? I sighed and turned on my side to sleep.

The next morning I woke up around 09:00 in the morning. When I saw the time I cursed very hard. I jumped out of bed to make myself ready. After I had put on my clothes I grabbed my bag and my coat. I ran past Lennon who was looking curious at me.
"Are you late?"
"Yes! I slept in on my alarm. I had to be in the studio at nine. Which was fifteen minutes ago."
"Hurry girl!"
"I'll see you later Lennon! Have a good day!"

Lennon smiled and waved me out at the front door.

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